I'll never get the hang of this....


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2016
Ack. My first hatching attempt went bad. I had issues with the other hens jumping into the broody's nest cause I didn't realize I needed to barricade her off, I accidentally tossed her first batch a week into her setting, then my dog got into the coop and had a snack of her half developed eggs, and the two or three that did hatch didn't make it. It was a real nightmare. Anyway, fast forward to a couple weeks ago, I thought I had another broody, she had been sleeping on a clutch of eggs. So I picked through and chose the quality looking eggs to leave and marked them, and waited to see if she was going to be in for the long haul.
Well, she wasn't. So yesterday I went to collect the old eggs to feed my pigs and was shocked to discover my original mama chicken had adopted the nest, and she is committed. Growling and puffy and glued to the nest. I again carefully picked out some good fresh eggs and marked them, and went to swap them out for the old ones. (which I figured had gone bad) Before I did that though, I candled them. These eggs have some obvious development, 2/3 of the egg is dark. I don't know what to do now. I don't know if the chicks inside are live, or what's going on. I meant to isolate her to protect the eggs and her nest, but I don't know if I should leave the eggs she's setting on with her, or start over with fresh eggs. I suck at this.
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That's a personal choice... if you think the old eggs are alive you can leave those with her and see if they hatch... if you have doubts though, you can just replace with the fresh eggs...
Should I put a couple in warm water and watch to see if they wiggle? Should I be able to see movement at maybe 14 days?
I don't think those are far enough along for float test to help... a stronger light to candle them with might help... you should be able to see veins and movement by candling...
I'll have to be a little more thorough with my candling tomorrow. I didn't see veins in any of these eggs, but I was also in a bit of a hurry and it was daytime. I was looking for the clear, fresh eggs that my other hens laid in that nest today.
The eggs had the normal air cell at the top, and then lengthwise about 2/3 of the egg was dark. I may have seen some movement in one, but I was in a hurry and not paying very close attention. I just am torn at the thought of pulling maybe developing eggs and killing them, or leaving the hen to sit on maybe non viable eggs for weeks.
I understand... I'd check them again before deciding... when incubating on their sides, the embryo does spread across lengthwise... a little extra time usually won't hurt a broody... just make sure she gets up and eats, drinks and poops once a day...
I candled them again right before I moved her and the clutch into the deluxe broody nest, but I also discovered that one of the eggs had been broken :( (I think another hen got it,I have an occasional egg eater) the chick inside looked to be 10-12 days along, which lines up with when I put these eggs out (June 29)
She still has 9 or 10, so I'm not too worried. I hope the rest of her sit time goes uneventfully and we get at least a few peepers!
I candled them again right before I moved her and the clutch into the deluxe broody nest, but I also discovered that one of the eggs had been broken :( (I think another hen got it,I have an occasional egg eater) the chick inside looked to be 10-12 days along, which lines up with when I put these eggs out (June 29)
She still has 9 or 10, so I'm not too worried. I hope the rest of her sit time goes uneventfully and we get at least a few peepers!

Sorry for the lost one, but now you know! Will keep :fl for her and you! :)
Eeekk! I was starting to think I would need to try again with fresh eggs, then this morning mama chicken was extra growly and cranky (she's on the porch so I can watch her, she has been growling every time someone opens the door)
We came home from a concert tonight and she has a few little cheepers! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself! She's sitting on a dozen eggs so it'll be interesting to see how many hatch. Interesting side note, I handpicked the eggs she's been sitting on based on shell integrity and shape, it looks like the hatched chicks are from my New Hampshire hens and not my barred rocks. Little yellow peach colored babies (daddy is a Rhode Island red cross)
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, today was day 23/24! :O

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