Illinoi's newbie, here's my gals

Yes, I'm hoping as they get bigger he'll slow his roll. He's just not good with any other animals. He's a hunting breed by nature.
I'm a little concerned about the heat lamp I'm using. It's 270 watts and I'm scared it's too much. The room I have tem in is my home office which stays a little cilly maybe 65.
Here are some tips:

put your hand to the chicks level. Leave it under the heat lamp for maybe a minute. If it is burning when you pull it out, fix the height of it or get a different light. If it is warm enough to keep them warm in the night leave it. I suggest getting a thermometer to make sure they aren't burning up. Also, make sure that they have a corner where it is a bit colder than the heat lamp so they can cool off if they get to hot. Good luck!
Chicken stuff has given you great advice. Thermometer should be placed on the brooder floor below the heat lamp. So you know how hot it is for the chicks. It should be about 90 F and drop by 5 degrees every week since their hatch. When they are fully feathered out, they shouldn't need heat at all.

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