
Well, 7 roosters rehomed. Awfully quiet around here without Rocky crowing. But I know they will have a good home. So, at this moment, I am attempting to keep 3 cockerels. Silver laced, Blue Orp and the Cochin Bantam.

Hopefully I will get a hen from my Gold Laced eggs. My Barred rock has tried 3 times to take over the brood's nest. On the 2nd attempt, ended up with a broken egg, I thought because of the scuffle. But today, I heard some fighting, and went out and kicked the Barred Rock out, but when my back was turned she snuck back in, pecked the broody off the nest and I turned to see her purposely breaking an egg. I have since moved the broody and eggs into the carrier. But I am worried, that if the eggs hatch (because they have liquid all over them from the broken egg) the Barred Rock might try to hurt them. My broody is low on the pecking order, so I am afraid she won't be able to protect them. What should I do, keep her and the chicks separate until the chicks are big enough? Or just make chicken soup with my Barred Rock, LOL

@Faraday40 if you were interested keeping your Blue Marans if it was a hen, you could have my 3 month old hen. I have the 2 older marans, so I don't really need a 3rd. Just offering.
My broody had an egg open up on day 6. (Either squished or pecked) I removed the yucky bedding & replaced with clean dry stuff. The rest of the brooding went as normal.

Because my hen had a rough time integrating after her 1st brood separation, I tried leaving her in the nest box for the second brood. I put netting up to keep the other hens out & forced her to take daily potty breaks until day 17.

After they hatched, I moved the little family into a rabbit cage on the floor of the run.

My blue marans looks like a male, so he'll be rehomed. We may keep a Dominique & Sebright pullet. The rest are all going.
My broody had an egg open up on day 6. (Either squished or pecked) I removed the yucky bedding & replaced with clean dry stuff. The rest of the brooding went as normal.

Because my hen had a rough time integrating after her 1st brood separation, I tried leaving her in the nest box for the second brood. I put netting up to keep the other hens out & forced her to take daily potty breaks until day 17.

After they hatched, I moved the little family into a rabbit cage on the floor of the run.

My blue marans looks like a male, so he'll be rehomed. We may keep a Dominique & Sebright pullet. The rest are all going.

Thanks for the help, she really did not like being up on the porch in the carrier, so I put the carrier back in the coop. She seems more content now, but I will have to let her out to poop, like you did, cause there isn't much room in the carrier. I candled the eggs last night that were under here and didn't see much movement. I have the 3 still in the incubator, but I have 1 egg with the air sac at the wrong end and even without adding water to the incubator, they aren't loosing enough liquid because of all this humidity. Otherwise, the 3 incubator eggs are all active and moving, so we shall see. Friday is hatch day.
Well, 7 roosters rehomed. Awfully quiet around here without Rocky crowing. But I know they will have a good home. So, at this moment, I am attempting to keep 3 cockerels. Silver laced, Blue Orp and the Cochin Bantam.

Hopefully I will get a hen from my Gold Laced eggs. My Barred rock has tried 3 times to take over the brood's nest. On the 2nd attempt, ended up with a broken egg, I thought because of the scuffle. But today, I heard some fighting, and went out and kicked the Barred Rock out, but when my back was turned she snuck back in, pecked the broody off the nest and I turned to see her purposely breaking an egg. I have since moved the broody and eggs into the carrier. But I am worried, that if the eggs hatch (because they have liquid all over them from the broken egg) the Barred Rock might try to hurt them. My broody is low on the pecking order, so I am afraid she won't be able to protect them. What should I do, keep her and the chicks separate until the chicks are big enough? Or just make chicken soup with my Barred Rock, LOL

@Faraday40 if you were interested keeping your Blue Marans if it was a hen, you could have my 3 month old hen. I have the 2 older marans, so I don't really need a 3rd. Just offering.
Congrats on the re-homing! That must have been such a relief. I am keeping this Mauve cockerel.

Also I have this 7 weeks old choc. which I am not sure if its a boy or girl.
@Faraday40 since you have more experience with Orps. can you please comment? It has the comb of a cockerel but body type and stance of a pullet so I am not sure. Its brother stands just like the mauve cockerel pictured above.

Your Mauve is beautiful! Here is a pic of my Chocolate almost 9 weeks. Comb has stopped growing since the initial pop. So your chicks comb is larger than mine, but mine looks more red and has wattles coming in. I am leaning towards hen for mine even though the red, at least I can hope.

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Your Mauve is beautiful! Here is a pic of my Chocolate almost 9 weeks. Comb has stopped growing since the initial pop. So your chicks comb is larger than mine, but mine looks more red and has wattles coming in. I am leaning towards hen for mine even though the red, at least I can hope.

These Orps are very tricky:) I have a 8 week old pullet with virtually non-existent comb. I think it may to do something with the lines as well. Those are Ewe Crazy/Fancy Chick lines and this unknown one from another breeder's Mauve line.

Well whatever your girl/boy is, he/she is beautiful.

I will post some pics of my blue cockerel later. His feathers are really nice shade of dark blue. Sadly I may have to rehome him. If I do, I will ask you first since it will give you genetic diversity.
These Orps are very tricky:) I have a 8 week old pullet with virtually non-existent comb. I think it may to do something with the lines as well. Those are Ewe Crazy/Fancy Chick lines and this unknown one from another breeder's Mauve line.

Well whatever your girl/boy is, he/she is beautiful.

I will post some pics of my blue cockerel later. His feathers are really nice shade of dark blue. Sadly I may have to rehome him. If I do, I will ask you first since it will give you genetic diversity.

I agree, some are tricky. I do have to say, having the eight orps all together, it was much easier to see the cockerels and pullets early on. Cockerels stood out with those long legs and stance.

This chick is from the marc sacre/ fancy chick lines. I know the Marc Sacre lines are a smaller Orp, and I think that is what has me thrown off. Her feet are small, legs not to thick, body shape of a pullet. And if I compare her to the Blue and Black Orp cockerels which are much younger, everything says she is a pullet except for that red in her comb and wattles.

Looking at your chick, I would have to say cockerel with the size of the comb. Faraday is definitely more experienced with Orps and has helped me. Good Luck!
I agree, some are tricky. I do have to say, having the eight orps all together, it was much easier to see the cockerels and pullets early on. Cockerels stood out with those long legs and stance.

This chick is from the marc sacre/ fancy chick lines. I know the Marc Sacre lines are a smaller Orp, and I think that is what has me thrown off. Her feet are small, legs not to thick, body shape of a pullet. And if I compare her to the Blue and Black Orp cockerels which are much younger, everything says she is a pullet except for that red in her comb and wattles.

Looking at your chick, I would have to say cockerel with the size of the comb. Faraday is definitely more experienced with Orps and has helped me. Good Luck!
Everything in your chick says a pullet except for those wattles.
Has anyone heard anything new about that missing girl in St. Charles? I live in St Charles and actually pretty close to where she was last seen.

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