
Got a new layer today!!!!

A small, round, pinkish-brown egg! It's either from my Dominique or Sweetie (a lav orp/sussex mix) Both have red combs & should be laying.
Did an new count, I am at 31 1/2 weeks with no eggs from my pullets.

Stingy chickens!
:yiipchick  Got a new layer today!!!!

A small, round, pinkish-brown egg!  It's either from my Dominique or Sweetie (a lav orp/sussex mix)  Both have red combs

:hit Did an new count, I am at 31 1/2 weeks with no eggs from my pullets.

Stingy chickens!

I know it's an old (and popular) wives' tale with little to no scientific evidence to back it up, but you might want to try giving them some 'spicy' foods and see what happens...

My October hatches from last year were well past their expected laying date this summer, and although not deliberate in my weekly rotation of 'treats' I ended up giving my birds a bunch (two 5 gallon buckets full) of Jalapeno corn chips that were crushed and soaked in boiling water to create a gelatin like corn blob... A few days later most of the past due date layers were laying... I'm a firm believer that correlation does not imply causation, but I would try it again if I have a bunch of late layers...

Dried peppers are cheap enough and easy enough to obtain, grind up and sprinkle on the food and see what happens...
I know it's an old (and popular) wives' tale with little to no scientific evidence to back it up, but you might want to try giving them some 'spicy' foods and see what happens...

My October hatches from last year were well past their expected laying date this summer, and although not deliberate in my weekly rotation of 'treats' I ended up giving my birds a bunch (two 5 gallon buckets full) of Jalapeno corn chips that were crushed and soaked in boiling water to create a gelatin like corn blob... A few days later most of the past due date layers were laying... I'm a firm believer that correlation does not imply causation, but I would try it again if I have a bunch of late layers...

Dried peppers are cheap enough and easy enough to obtain, grind up and sprinkle on the food and see what happens...
I know it's an old (and popular) wives' tale with little to no scientific evidence to back it up, but you might want to try giving them some 'spicy' foods and see what happens...
Well, I don't know about hens, but I personally contribute my DD arriving 4 weeks before her due date to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Worked for me!

Justso - We're getting closer to the shortest day of the year, so I'm sure that has much to do with the delay. Peppers won't hurt, so go for it! Please let us know how it works out!
  • pop.gif

Hey all well when it rains it pours. No news from my family on Grandpa yet today, but last night went much much better than we thought it would. Considering he was sun downing and yelling and quite aggravated before getting to the Manor... St. Elizabeth Manor in Footville. Anyway it seems quite a wonderful place and very peaceful and calm. Unfortunately all of the other people in the Alzheimer's area are worse off than Grandpa, but he will be taken out for activities to the assisted living part. Upon entering the building in the assisted living part before walking to the Alzheimer's wing(which only houses about 8 people I blieve) Grandpa entered and with as much fanfare as could be announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen!", with a waving of his arms. Lol we had set up his room with trinkets and his furniture and he seemed very much at peace last night. He even knew everyone's names of the family that was there. I can only say that must be a God thing and I feel safe knowing the nuns there and the staff will care for him the way he deserves. They even made sure all of us got dinner and I'm very grateful to them. Only time will tell how he will adjust so continued prayers for that would be appreciated. Thank you guys.

Now the reason I said when it rains it pours, my sheltie, Molly has gone quite lame overnight. She has been mildly sore which I thought was from our great dane, Bella, accidentally rolling her and stepping on her while they were playing. I now believe it is Lyme's disease as three weeks ago she had a tick on her belly. Idk what the vet will say, she has an appointment at 5 but I feel certain it is Lyme's disease. Shelties like some other breeds are at an increased risk for kidney problems due to Lyme's disease. If you would also pray for my Molly please for a swift and full recovery I would appreciate it. I will let you all know what the vet says after the appointment.

Idk how much more I can take this seems to be the year that just keeps kicking my butt. I already lost my 15 year old kitty, we've had every problem imaginable with the chickens, we went with to put my Grandma's sheltie, Lassie, down as she had cancer(We had lived with and helped care for her for 3+ years), we had freak accidents with a couple of the chickens, and Grandpa and now Molly.
Hey all well when it rains it pours. No news from my family on Grandpa yet today, but last night went much much better than we thought it would. Considering he was sun downing and yelling and quite aggravated before getting to the Manor... St. Elizabeth Manor in Footville. Anyway it seems quite a wonderful place and very peaceful and calm. Unfortunately all of the other people in the Alzheimer's area are worse off than Grandpa, but he will be taken out for activities to the assisted living part. Upon entering the building in the assisted living part before walking to the Alzheimer's wing(which only houses about 8 people I blieve) Grandpa entered and with as much fanfare as could be announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen!", with a waving of his arms. Lol we had set up his room with trinkets and his furniture and he seemed very much at peace last night. He even knew everyone's names of the family that was there. I can only say that must be a God thing and I feel safe knowing the nuns there and the staff will care for him the way he deserves. They even made sure all of us got dinner and I'm very grateful to them. Only time will tell how he will adjust so continued prayers for that would be appreciated. Thank you guys.

Now the reason I said when it rains it pours, my sheltie, Molly has gone quite lame overnight. She has been mildly sore which I thought was from our great dane, Bella, accidentally rolling her and stepping on her while they were playing. I now believe it is Lyme's disease as three weeks ago she had a tick on her belly. Idk what the vet will say, she has an appointment at 5 but I feel certain it is Lyme's disease. Shelties like some other breeds are at an increased risk for kidney problems due to Lyme's disease. If you would also pray for my Molly please for a swift and full recovery I would appreciate it. I will let you all know what the vet says after the appointment.

Idk how much more I can take this seems to be the year that just keeps kicking my butt. I already lost my 15 year old kitty, we've had every problem imaginable with the chickens, we went with to put my Grandma's sheltie, Lassie, down as she had cancer(We had lived with and helped care for her for 3+ years), we had freak accidents with a couple of the chickens, and Grandpa and now Molly.

We'll keep you in our prayers.

Take comfort in knowing that your Grandpa transitioned smoothly. Sometimes those little victories (& let's face it, that's a big win in a sad situation) will be what helps you move forward. Is Lyme's disease treatable in dogs? My SIL's whole family got it. I know that in humans, if it's caught early, it can be treated with antibiotic. Our nephew couldn't walk but made a full recovery once it was diagnosed & treated.
We'll keep you in our prayers.  

Take comfort in knowing that your Grandpa transitioned smoothly.  Sometimes those little victories (& let's face it, that's a big win in a sad situation) will be what helps you move forward. Is Lyme's disease treatable in dogs?  My SIL's whole family got it.  I know that in humans, if it's caught early, it can be treated with antibiotic.  Our nephew couldn't walk but made a full recovery once it was diagnosed & treated.

Okay well I have an update on Grandpa and Molly but first I wanted to say, yes, it is treatable with dogs too. Particularly if caught early. However it's possible that not all the bacteria will be wiped out in which case it can more or less bide its time and strike again. There also seem to be certain breeds that can develop other much more serious symptoms shelties I have read are on this list. The more serious symptoms(especially if it goes untreated) include heart problems and arrhythmias although uncommon in dogs, neurologic problems even personality changes including aggression(also rare in dogs) kidney disease failure and even death. Yeah it's a hard list to read isn't it?
Okay so here's the update on Grandpa and Molly...
I spoke to my Mom who was with Grandpa today and she says that Grandpa loves it so far but seems anxious about Mom and Grandma leaving. Will keep you all updated on that. Thank you for your continued prayers. Also tomorrow they're having a big Christmas party so we're going over and spending time there with him for that, so I'll be able to give you some of my own insights since I tend to read Grandpa better than anyone except maybe my Mom.

Now as far as Molly goes... Yes she has Lyme disease. The vet thinks we caught it really quick which is great but I'm still reserved about hoping for a great outcome since my Grandma's(same Grandma) sheltie had it and it crippled her for life. In the end it even changed her personality as well we believe, but that could have been the cancer if it had metastasized to her brain. The results spot on the test was much much lighter than the control, and considering the tick was only found maybe three weeks ago we are lucky to have gotten it early.

*****Note: For anyone with dogs that could be exposed to Lyme's disease Molly was on flea and tick meds, they're not 100% effective. Also when I discovered the tick she had a small circular raised area around it that looked a bit like a bullseye, which I assumed was just inflammation from where the ticks legs were, I now know I was wrong it was probably a Lyme's disease rash also called a tick rash you can Google it. They're supposed to be rare in dogs, but Molly had it and I didn't know what it was as it is prevalent only in people and I'm kicking myself now. If you find a tick and see something like I've described or like the pictures show please ask your vet what they think. We don't live near a wooded area or long grass like my Grandma's dog was.

I'm just grateful Molly is now being treated with antibiotics and pain meds. Thankfully other than being in pain and having a slightly elevated temp she is a trooper and in great spirits. Although she will not attempt to go up stairs. We even went to Arby's with her(drive through of course) and when I jokingly asked for a dog treat they gave me a little container of roast beef just for her. She's gunna be nice and share with her sissy, Bella, though. I don't know if that's a common practice for Arby's, but I just have to tell people because I think that was great, so did Molly.
In case I forgot I would also like to note that my Grandma's dog was untreated for some time not really sure on how long, as many dogs don't show symptoms.
Ok I have 11 cx left please if someone is near please please come get them I'll make an awesome deal I'm so tired of these trouble makers
For anyone here that isn't too far from the Illinois-Wisconsin border, if you don't already know about it I want to let you know about a great place I just used to process my roosters and some extra hens. I had 26 birds I needed to get rid of for the Winter and it was going to be too many for me to do myself so I was told about Twin Cities Pack in Clinton, Wisconsin (

It was about four weeks from the time I called until the time they could fit my extra chickens in their schedule so you do need to call ahead, but this past Tuesday I drove in early (between 6:00 AM and 7:30 AM they require) and dropped off my chickens. I used some of my own bird crates to get them there, but they have plenty of crates available to pickup the day or so before. Then the next day I was able to return (anytime before 1:00 PM or so) and pick up the chickens packaged and ready for consumption or freezing.

Because I had more than 25 chickens to process, they only charged $4.60 a bird It's $4.85 otherwise. Now granted I did have to pay around $127.00 when all was said and done as I also had the feet saved for stewing stock, but for the amount of time it saved me, it was more than worth it. I live less than an hour away from there in Norther Illinois so the drive was only a little inconvenient.

I am able to butcher my own chickens, but this was going to be too many. Plus, when I do it, the finished product doesn't always look that great. When Twin Cities Pack did it, they are professionally packed and they are suitable for me gifting some of them for Christmas time. I will try to take a picture or two so you can see the finished product. They did a great job.

If you don't live too far away from Clinton and don't mind making a couple of trips, or if you want to make a couple of day stay in the Beloit / Janesville areas. I highly recommend them. For those of you who can't or don't want to butcher your chickens and don't know of someone who can do it for you, you should check out Twin Cities Pack. They do it very well.

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