
Why won't they use the rest of the yard??? Or at least drink from one of the clean waterers I provide?
Same here too. They are hanging out by the fence edges where I usually throw the treats. No treats today with all the rain, but that didn't matter to them.

Maybe it's worms coming to the surface. My older girls LOVE those worms.

I am just hoping that it all doesn't freeze solid overnight. Guess I better put on Tom Skilling!
I use the deep litter method in our coop.  It turned on me last time it got all wet outside.  

I got it turned around and the weather was nicely cooling off and not as wet.

I went out this morning, opened the outer window (as the air was nice) let the birds out (early) and went back to bed.

It rained, for almost 5 hours!

Went out to check on the darlings and shut the window.

There is almost an actual moat around the barn now.

 :sick   Ugh.  That smell.  The rain got in.  :hit

I think this is the first year I would be ok with cold and snow!

Off to spend more $ on extra bedding.

As you are aware you are not the only one struggling with the water... My deep litter was finally starting to dry out last week from the previous rains and I was starting to feel positive that it would be dry and working as it should in short, well that all went out the door again with this weeks rains, right back to being a wet soaked mess... As is the pasture, the goats and llamas are reluctant to even come out of the barn because of the muddy soaked mess outside... My only saving grace is that as soon as it does freeze outside and the water stops coming in, I can blast the furnace in the coop and dry out the entire place and add more dry stuff, but of course that cost $$$...

The only ones that seem to enjoy the wet mess are the Canadian geese that are playing in the puddles and stuffing themselves on the left over corn in the field...
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Merry Christmas to everyone. Another long day of get together tomorrow. And then my birthday on Monday. What a disgusting day to have my birthday fall on this year a Monday lol. Anyway was up finishing up Christmas stuff last night until 5 am so I'm off to bed.

"....and to all a good night." ;)
Here are my chicken related presents.
creamer dispenser, soap, and ceramic chicken.
Just reading this today...

I now have two hives. I'll be starting two more in the spring. Honeybees really don't bother humans. Oh, one will sting you if you open the hive after dark (and a few beers) to look inside for no reason at all... But for the most part, they are consumed with gathering bee stuff all day long and not very interested in stinging clumsy humans.

Beekeeping is nearly as relaxing as chickenherding!

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