
Hi everyone. I'm located in Indiana. But basically near the border by Chicago! Would love to know if anyone will be selling duck eggs to hatch this spring? Or ducklings!
@Faraday40 Just some thoughts. Do you think that 4.15 oz EGG was a joint venture effort by two of your hens???
I agree with Chickendreams that you should have blown that egg and saved the shell.

On the subject of mineral rich water you have. If you get a mineral build up on your water tank heater, you can remove that by immersing in vinegar. We run vinegar thru our coffee makers every so often when the brewing gets slow.

Edit: Also, what was the verdict on that small (tiny) brown egg a while back?
Yes vinegar is wonderful. I do a thorough vinegar scrub & rinse at the end of the season. (I actually make my own cleaner with orange peel, cinnamon, & apple cider vinegar.) Before I used the water filter, I had to bring in and clean the while chicken waterer 3xs per week instead of once every 8-9 days. Chickens are simply easier when the hose can be turned on.

The tiny chicken egg did have a little yolk. It was like a quail egg, but couldn't have been them because they've never been outside.
Yay!!! No quail eggs here either today. Congratulations on the egg numbers being higher today. Any massive eggs?! Egg numbers were down a bit today here didn't break a dozen I don't think. The wind has picked back up and is positively nasty right now.
Hoping you all might know someone who can help me. I am near the Monroe/Orangeville, IL border ( 40 minute drive) and have family that comes through from Naperville about once a month. My daughter was super excited to do 4H for the first time this year. We obtained some hatching eggs from Milwaukee area from a 4H kid for an Xmas present for her. Candled after a week and only 2 were viable, rest were porous and clear. Kid felt bad and we drove down and got a dozen more... Candled last night and looks to be about the same 1/2 are viable. My daughter really wants some Wyandotte Bantams (Black or Partridge preferred) and I am trying my best to keep her in this... anyone around there have some show quality Dottie bantams?

Only 2 chicken eggs today.... but also got 2 quail eggs! They are so cute & tiny. I've been squeezing them in between the real eggs inside the egg holder in my fridge.

Hope tomorrow's another big egg day like yesterday.

@chickendreams24 My 3 brown quail are weird. I've been watching the 2 females beat up on the one male. The little guy is a "mama's boy." He runs up to our DD & loves to snuggle. I've not yet seen him mate his females, but he loves to crow. The whites are still separated. Because I got 2 eggs from the white's cage, I'm pretty sure the little runt is a female. (Very surprised b/c "she's" DD's 2nd fav. DD's never picked a female fav - or even 2nd fav - before. LOL)

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