
Hello everyone My name is Colin Danenberger. I am a fly fishermen and a fly tier. Been really wanting to raise, Chickens, Ducks, Turkey, and other waterfowl birds. I don't know much on the legal stuff involved, like permits heck i never raised an animal in my life, but really want to rise mainly for the feathers and maybe for show. Does anyone know how i could get started ? i 1st know i need a place outside City limits. But don't know how i could rise anything with in city limits far as birds go. Would anyone fill me in on how i should do this?
Welcome Colin! Each municipality has its own rules/laws governing keeping fowl of different types. First thing would be to check what your location has limiting what you can have there. There are state and federal laws required for exotics and migratory birds and some game birds.

If you live in northern Illinois, I would recommend the Illinoi Poultry Show held the 7th & 8th of September in Bellvidere at the Boone County Fairgrounds. You will have the opportunity to see the birds up close and maybe that will help you decide what you'd like to have for your own flock.

My chickens hatched out 30 young ones this year. Even if I did eat meat, I don't think I could eat all the cockerels we have coming up. I am offering the cockerels free to anyone who wants them, provided they are handled humanely.

There are 1 or 2 Columbian Wyndottes, and the rest are a mix of my big Production Leghorn
rooster Connor and some cochin or easter-egger hens.

This is what I can tell you about them: Connor is a very good rooster. He is The king of the flock and is very good to his girls. I hope they have inherited this trait. Connor's sister Molly is one of my best egg layers. Even in her 3rd year, she is still fairly regular, if not as proficient as before. Her eggs are huge and delicious. She is the smartest and most curious hen in the flock. The mamas are all good regular layers of medium-sized eggs.

These cockerels would make a nice addition to a pullet-only flock. It would be fun to see if they pass on any of these traits to the next generation. They would also make a nice addition to your supper table.

I ask only that anyone who takes them handles them humanely and dispachs them as kindly as possible. I have heard horror stories about people using "free" cockerels to train fighting roosters, to "entertain their dogs," and so on. I was going to give them to my friend, until I found out her husband kills the chickens by grabbing their heads and swinging them around until their necks break. This is exactly the kind of thing I want to avoid. If you can give them a quick, clean death on a chopping block, that is all I want.

If you chose to keep any for your flock, I would be curious to know how they are doing.

Please PM me an let me know if you can take any or all of them.
Toothpaste:  If you would read the bottle, you'd see that it's not recommended to consume it. 
It's not recommended for human consumption of course, but we are talking about birds... Birds need grit; humans do not. A good comparison would be chocolate given to dogs as opposed to humans. Humans can consume chocolate in large amounts (too much of anything can be lethal), however dogs can only tolerate a miniscule amount before they suffer greatly.
and to the Illinois thread! I'm in Lee County, not too far north and east of you!
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