
What breed(s) are you starting with? Nothing compares with home raised eggs!
I'm starting with five different breeds! I had two of each, but one died when she was only a week old. So now I have two Australorps, two Brahmas, two Speckled Sussex, two Welsummers, and one Faverolle.

I'll be very excited when they start to lay!
Yes. Waiting is hard-- we haven't gotten a single egg yet. My birdie girls are about 21-24 weeks!!! And I wait. Soon is all I can say.

You shouldn't have to wait too much longer if some are 23 weeks old now!

Did anyone go to the Illini Poultry Show in Belvidere last weekend?
I am waiting!!! It's such a long time!! Lol. Someone told me to put extra protein in their food. Or feed them cat food. Lol

I did not go to the poultry show. I am at my maximum number of birds. Bc I am in the city limits of Belleville!!
That should be a colorful flock!

Yes, it is! We love finding the feathers and trying to guess who they came from.

One of the Brahmas is the friendliest by far - she's the only one who doesn't really mind being picked up. Then she'll settle down on your arm and be content to look around. The others all squeak when you touch them, although they aren't afraid to come right over if you have something yummy to eat!

Waiting for the first egg(s) is hard! How old are they?

They are 9 weeks old today! I have a ways to go until we get eggs.

Hey, do any of you Illinoisans feed organic food to your birdies? I got a couple of bags of Scratch & Peck, but it's way too expensive to keep up. I just ordered a bag from Countryside Organics, so we'll see what that's like.

I tried to get Rural King or a local feed store (DeBuhr's) to order something organic for me, but no luck.

I wouldn't mind making my own, but I don't know where to get the organic ingredients around here.

Butchered that black laced cockerel I showed above today. I figured it's about time to share what I've got going on here. We've put the axe to probably 40 of these in the past 2 years, and have a whole hatching to do later this fall. This guy is the only one from the earliest group that I haven't sold, or will be retaining for myself. He was hatched in May. He weighed right over 9 pounds live- and the dressed out hanging carcass weight was just over 5.

Third picture shows the carcass next to two rabbits I also butchered today. Quite a size difference.

Satisfied with my backyard meat bird project.

For reference, that knife has a 4 1/2 inch blade, and a total length of 9 1/2 inches.

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