
I know all about Sarah and Abraham, and how they were Blessed in their Golden Years. And renaming would be appropriate except, .................................. Sarah is also my spouse. You can figure out the rest of the story. I would be sent to the DOG HOUSE...
I know all about Sarah and Abraham, and how they were Blessed in their Golden Years. And renaming would be appropriate except, .................................. Sarah is also my spouse. You can figure out the rest of the story. I would be sent to the DOG HOUSE...
I had a very sweet sheltie I named "Sarah."

I thought it was a nice name for a b*tch
I was just on my FB page and a woman over in Tinley who is fighting to keep her chickens because of an ordinance, posts a picture of 2 new friends her chickens just met sitting on top of their coop. 2 WILD DUCKS! Don't people read or watch the news?
I posted awhile back about repurposing a couple of kids playhouses into chicken coops and someone asked for pics when we were done..........well the coop is done but we are still working on the permanent run........we have a temporary that we let the girls out in only when someone is in the backyard as it isn't very predator safe. I am so glad to have them off the sun porch!

I'm still waiting...anxiously...the usps tracking stopped giving me updates last night. I've called and stopped by the post office just in case..they think i might be a little looney. I may camp out in their lobby till they close.
I posted awhile back about repurposing a couple of kids playhouses into chicken coops and someone asked for pics when we were done..........well the coop is done but we are still working on the permanent run........we have a temporary that we let the girls out in only when someone is in the backyard as it isn't very predator safe. I am so glad to have them off the sun porch!
You utilized a town house duplex. Very nice. Mine, well not as pretty as yours, is a stand alone 2 story. I elevated it with a 3 foot plywood base.
I like to repurpose things.

Almost forgot..... You have been here since January, but
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I posted awhile back about repurposing a couple of kids playhouses into chicken coops and someone asked for pics when we were done..........well the coop is done but we are still working on the permanent run........we have a temporary that we let the girls out in only when someone is in the backyard as it isn't very predator safe. I am so glad to have them off the sun porch!

Nice recycle! I was looking for one of these playhouses when I was thinking about chickens. But couldn't find anyone selling a used one at the time.
I'm still waiting...anxiously...the usps tracking stopped giving me updates last night. I've called and stopped by the post office just in case..they think i might be a little looney. I may camp out in their lobby till they close.

I don't know if the tracking is a good thing or bad thing. Good if your package gets lost, and bad because it creates anxiety, the waiting can drive you crazy, when it comes to chicks or eggs! Its like we are expectant mothers LOL
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I don't know if the tracking is a good thing or bad thing. Good if your package gets lost, and bad because it creates anxiety, the waiting can drive you crazy, when it comes to chicks or eggs! Its like we are expectant mothers LOL
Reminds me of a funny PO story from last summer. I'm a science teacher & had ordered some rare insects for my invertebrate summer camp. (Giant Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches!) I had them shipped to my home & followed the tracking via I then noticed that they went to the wrong PO & had to be rerouted back to the hub before arriving at our local post office. This added a whole day & some of the "extras" had perished because of the delay. They're bugs, I had enough alive to meet my class needs, & everyone enjoyed the lab activities.

Yet, I think back to how easily my cockroaches could have been delivered to the wrong address. Can you imagine a poor unsuspecting lady who believes she just got a present in the mail. What horror would she find when opening a box of frightened, hissing, giant cockroaches scurrying around!

It just goes to show that you can buy just about anything online.

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