
Had to borrow Barbie's guitar for this pic:

My DD hatched them last summer as part of her poultry project., so I couldn't resist sharing some pics of my "80s hair band." The Polish weren't for us - a little skittish compared to our big cuddly orps. We hatched them for someone else anyway, so they were given to him around 3 weeks old.
Here's what we have now. This year's project - trial 2 - hatched out some Barnevelders, Marans, EEs, OEs, 1 Dominique & 1 Sebright. Had a silkie but my dog thought it was a baby bunny. He eats bunnies. It was pretty sad, b/c it's the 1st chick that died. After over 125 chicks hatched (over several years) I suppose we should be happy, that it's the only loss. I'm keeping mama & chicks locked up inside the run until they look more like mini chickens. The dog has no problem with chickens.
One more update. I have to share my son's love for our cherry bush. Not only did he pick & pit the cherries. I taught him how to make a simple cherry sauce. We had it over ice cream last night.

Had to borrow Barbie's guitar for this pic:

My DD hatched them last summer as part of her poultry project., so I couldn't resist sharing some pics of my "80s hair band." The Polish weren't for us - a little skittish compared to our big cuddly orps. We hatched them for someone else anyway, so they were given to him around 3 weeks old.

Even though I am not a "Polish" kind of a girl, these guys are adorable! And such a cute photo shoot! And the poor silkie, so sorry.
You might be raising a pastry chef there in your kitchen! Keep him going.
Just wanted to post an update on my Project Orp. He? looks like he is Silver Laced. Kind of excited. I will have to see how he feathers out, but lacing looks pretty on his wing feathers. Not the best pics below. I am also going back on my word of no more hatching this year. I ordered some Gold Lace Orp eggs. Going to try something down the line.

My BB Orps are getting big so fast. Looks like I have 4 cockerels and 4 pullets.

My pair of Bantam Cochins I hatched are just adorable. I think they are a mix, but definitely have silver laced in them, which I know was in the pen. They look like little chocolate thin laced bantams, and the pullet is so round and fluffy, she is beautiful!

Also awaiting my 1st marans egg. Zoey was singing the egg song tonite by the nesting boxes. The 2 of them are 18 weeks, so could be a couple of weeks yet. And since I found homes for the Lav Orp Roos and the Easter egger mix, my Olive egger cockerel was lost that day. So he is in with the 2 marans, he has lost some feathers, but seems to be adjusting well with the girls, that I hope to get some fertilized olive eggers from. Also found the No Crow collar, and seems to need adjusting every morning. So far he is putting up with it well.

Also just noticed this is my 500th post!!!!!!!!

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Hey everyone. I have one rooster that seems to hop everywhere he goes. I am a little concerned but other than that he acts just fine. He even tried to crow a little this morning. Any help would be great.
I have a cockerel that does the same thing. He can walk and run, but he seems to prefer to hop, like a feathered kangaroo! He's never been stepped on of anything to my knowledge and seems to get along just fine with everyone else!
Ok, pulled my broody off of nest. She seemed like she was ok with it, out eating and clucking. Well found her back in the nesting box today, pulled all the eggs out of the nesting boxes. So I figured I would put 4 of the gold laced Orp eggs in her broody nest and she is back at it. So 4 under her and 4 in the incubator. I have food and water in there for her, is there anything else I should do? She just spent 22 days sitting. Will it kill her, sitting for this long?
Ok, pulled my broody off of nest. She seemed like she was ok with it, out eating and clucking. Well found her back in the nesting box today, pulled all the eggs out of the nesting boxes. So I figured I would put 4 of the gold laced Orp eggs in her broody nest and she is back at it. So 4 under her and 4 in the incubator. I have food and water in there for her, is there anything else I should do? She just spent 22 days sitting. Will it kill her, sitting for this long?
Are the eggs near to hatching? If yes, then she'll probably be fine. A hen will sit longer than 21 days (They can't read a calendar.), but they can give up if the eggs take too long to hatch.
She already sat for a total of 22 days. Took her off the first set of eggs at 4 days in, then she began sitting again the same evening on 4 other eggs. I let her go because I was getting those fertilized egg once in a while. But, I candled them yesterday cause they would be due to hatch tomorrow and they were not fertile. So I tossed them. She came back and saw the eggs were gone, so she jumped up into the nesting box with 3 eggs and started again. I pulled all the eggs and she was upset, I felt bad, so I ran down and pulled out 4 of the GL eggs out of the incubator.

I just set the GL eggs yesterday. So, she will be sitting for another 20 days. Should I put them back and drop her in a bucket of cold water, lol ? I feel so bad pulling her, but I don't want this to affect her health either.
She already sat for a total of 22 days. Took her off the first set of eggs at 4 days in, then she began sitting again the same evening on 4 other eggs. I let her go because I was getting those fertilized egg once in a while. But, I candled them yesterday cause they would be due to hatch tomorrow and they were not fertile. So I tossed them. She came back and saw the eggs were gone, so she jumped up into the nesting box with 3 eggs and started again. I pulled all the eggs and she was upset, I felt bad, so I ran down and pulled out 4 of the GL eggs out of the incubator.

I just set the GL eggs yesterday. So, she will be sitting for another 20 days. Should I put them back and drop her in a bucket of cold water, lol ? I feel so bad pulling her, but I don't want this to affect her health either.
I had a broody hen sit for an extra week w/o a problem. (It took about that long to obtain some fertile eggs.) I'm not sure what the upper limit is & that sounds like a very, very long time to ask a hen to set. (My opinion, not fact.) Try asking the people on this thread:
Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

They are very good & also quick to answer questions. Good luck.

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