

A few of our new babies

Don't worry about them, they are unlikely to sting you.  I get those in my barn's loft, and I find them this time of year, when I am buying and stacking hay.  I would wait until dusk, grab the nest, and pull it off.  I just throw them out on the ground, but you could bag it and throw it in the garbage.  =D


Update to 2 month old in named Grace a Spsckled Sussex great attitudes,scratches,not flighty and just fun.
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Good Morning Illinois peeps.... it's been a while since I posted. Been crazy busy here with work, farm and family. A quick update: We now have Saxony Ducks and Light Brahmas. I'm so excited to have them here on the farm.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Good Morning Illinois peeps.... it's been a while since I posted. Been crazy busy here with work, farm and family. A quick update: We now have Saxony Ducks and Light Brahmas. I'm so excited to have them here on the farm.

Hope all is well with everyone.


Congrats! Lets see some pics.
Well, our "Bantam Menace" is living up to her nick-name again.... This morning, I heard squawking & flapping as the flock quickly ran out from under their fav tree. The source of the commotion: Little Cookie (her real name). The bantam orp had the treat bowl all to herself. I'm guessing she bullied one of the roos which made him cry out & caused the panic.

Cookie already went broody 3x this year. About 2 weeks ago, she left her last brood & started laying eggs. Just a few min ago while collecting the eggs, I found Cookie making her broody noise again. Of course this would explain why the rest of the flock ran away from her this morning. She's turning into the "Cookie Monster" again.

Is it normal for broodies to be THIS broody? How many broods can one hen have in a year? For now, I'm hoping she was just laying & grumpy. I'm still trying to get our numbers down.

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