
Yes I too am very sorry about your barred. Faraday I think that may have been the hawk I saw, that or it was a juvenile red tailed hawk(they also have barring on the tail)
I'm just so glad to see all my babies happy and healthy. I'm keeping a close eye out today you better believe it, but I'm grateful to my roos they kept a very close eye on everything and managed to sound the alarm in time to save the girls. Twitch did great. He did give me one little charge after the hawk. I think he was just on edge and he stopped when I told him "no" and walked away and gave me my space when I said "shhhh" and walked towards him. He's eaten out of my hand twice today not a lot but a little. I think things are going in the right direction with him. At least I hope they are. If he keeps in line I think we'll hatch some pure eggs come spring and we'll wait to see how the little cockerals will turn out. I've heard that if the parents, especially the roo, have any aggression then it is magnified in the next generation so we'll have to see how they turn out. But right now I feel hopeful for Twitch. He is so good to the girls and so beautiful and the fact that he managed to keep everyone safe. Can't wait to see him and the little roos from Faraday40 work together some day. So long as they don't try to gang rape the hens... Am I allowed to say that?? If not oops.
I'm positive that there are two little roos in the chicks from you and there may be a third but I'm just hoping for the two.
Well I lime washed the inside of the coop today. Doesn't look like they will be moving in for at least another week. There seems to be never enough time in the day. My SL was walking much better today. That really surprised me. I was thinking the worst . Clara the broody was trying to get the chick's to venture outside today . They are so cute n Clara is being a great 1st time mom.
Proud Mama today....

DD's class had to make shoe box dioramas this week. Each student was assigned a scene from the Bible. She got the nativity. She didn't want to re-do TP tubes (that's so last year!) or the well over-done Lego people. She decided on egg people. I taught her how to blow the eggs & helped with the hot glue gun. I think this will be saved for a 4H project entry & also used as a Christmas display.

Of course, that's if the eggs make it. Our dog has earned the nickname: "the dog who ate Christmas," due to the numerous ornaments, baked goods, & handmade gifts that he has devoured over the years. He is obsessed with eggs. The Nativity scene is already packed in the backseat to keep it safe until morning.

Baby Jesus is a tiny pullet egg.

A few downy feathers were used for misc hair.

The animals were made from egg cartons..... She just had to include a hen. LOL

These two are my favs.
I think that's a wonderful project and more importantly a wonderfully done project. I tried my hand at blowing some of our first eggs and it didn't work real well. I'd love to hear how you do it?

The babies are getting big okay well not huge bit bigger, will try to get pictures tomorrow. They're such a silly bunch and that little brownish EE is proving to be quite a little trouble maker. First to get out of the brooder and she likes to get all the others started in a massive panic by jumping off the waterer and flapping like a crazy bird lol. They panic like they're going to be eaten lol. I scold her and tell her she's naughty and she's lucky she's cute lol. She's also an escape artist. We covered the brooder with netting when they started getting on the edges and that night I went to do a bed check and wouldn't you know she has all but one of the others out and is leading them around the sun porch lol. Somehow they(I'm guessing her) found a spot where they could fold the netting back on itself, yes fold, and create a hole. Lol

The little EE roo is very chill and quite friendly. He's very content to cuddle up in my hand asleep. His barring doesn't seem to be there much any more. My guess is it will come back more as he ages. My bantam barred Cochin lost most of her barring before she got her adult feathers.

The little white chick has a few black feathers in the spot on her back and one half black feather on her tail. And a few others here and there. She's still mostly white though.
i have total of 7 bantam hens/pullets, fairly new to keeping chickens. currently feeding them constant supply of laying feed, with "treats" weekly of either cracked corn or a garlic, grape, carrot, small bit of scrabbled eggs, and main ingredient of either pumpkin seeds or squash seeds. there water is per treated in a gallon jug with pro Biotoics, apple cider vinegar, and one crushed garlic "peddle". now from all ive read all these foods are good for them and it seems that garlic, pumpkin seeds, and squash seeds will evict/prevent most if not all types of worms, and garlic also helps with lice and mites. i have other measures for mite and lice in place like a wood ash dust bath with delouser mixed in. so far no issues and they love the feed and seem to like when the garlic comes out of the water jug when it empties. any thoughts or tips...?? ty :)
Rfreedlund,Chicagoclucker,hi! Yep,we're neighbors! I just added 3 more 7 week old hens to my flock yesterday, they are in quarantine right now but can't wait for the 4 weeks to pass to introduce them to their coop mates.

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