
Not that I want to jump the gun and answer. But most likely its at the Kankakee county fair grounds. I am planning to be there and see what I can find.. Here is a link to the county calendar of events.
Here are pix of what to expect.

I got a few pets over the years from here.
Come early like before 7 am for the pick of the crop. Its all over by noon.
They are the first sunday in April, May, June, September & October. Early bird gets the worm Gates open for buyers around 5 am.

Thank you for telling Cindy, she called me.

They are the first sunday in April, May, June, September & October. Early bird gets the worm Gates open for buyers around 5 am.

My advice (from someone that used to have an indoor booth every show for a few years there) even if you are a buyer get there a 5am with a flashlight in hand as the early bird getting the worm is an understatement...
Thanks @cavemanrich for jumping in and helping. And @mothergoose she text me, and said she knew who you were. Such a small world with us chicken people. I finally got to meet @Junibutt at the Urban Expo today and saw he beautiful Mauve Orp. I also, ended up with 2 new chicks today, 1 is from Junibutt, it didn't hatch in time when chickendreamer came to pick up his test hatch. Then I bought a chick to keep him company, my chicks aren't due to hatch for 2 weeks. Then the young man that I gave 2 chicks to for his broody months ago, returned them today at the expo, 2 very handsome large roos, that along with the Sussex roo, went directly to the feed store today after the expo. @Faraday40 , I hope Cookie is ok, I know when mine had the impaction, it took some time for her to pass it. Good luck!
Thanks @cavemanrich for jumping in and helping. And @mothergoose she text me, and said she knew who you were. Such a small world with us chicken people. I finally got to meet @Junibutt at the Urban Expo today and saw he beautiful Mauve Orp. I also, ended up with 2 new chicks today, 1 is from Junibutt, it didn't hatch in time when chickendreamer came to pick up his test hatch. Then I bought a chick to keep him company, my chicks aren't due to hatch for 2 weeks. Then the young man that I gave 2 chicks to for his broody months ago, returned them today at the expo, 2 very handsome large roos, that along with the Sussex roo, went directly to the feed store today after the expo. @Faraday40 , I hope Cookie is ok, I know when mine had the impaction, it took some time for her to pass it. Good luck!
Pics please!!!!!! Is one of them the lav orp?
Pics please!!!!!! Is one of them the lav orp?

I will get some pics tomorrow, my phone is almost dead. I don't think Junibutt has lavs, he is not sure what color it is. Not chocolate, legs are light in color. But the down color is yellow, with what looks like chocolate or mauve on head and wings. The chick I bought to keep the other chick company, is an easter egger. Chicken Math
Belmont Feed store was there promoting their store and chicks, so I just bought one of the chicks she had brought for the expo, to snuggle with the other. They must be content, because there is not a peep out of them.

Oh are you referring to the Isabel project lavs? That won't be for a while. And the woman that has the 2 Lavs I got from you last year, is going to send over 1 of the roos for a couple of days, then he gets to go back home. This way I don't have to try and keep another Rooster. Thank goodness.

How is Cookie doing?
Cuddles update:
It was obvious after the 1st night that Cuddles had something that prevented her crop from emptying. Yesterday we tried to feed her HBegg, bread with oil, yogurt & late last night tube fed 1 Tb water w/ stool softener . She's so quiet today & only barely pecks at food - not the usual gobble ASAP that we're used to. She's probably the only hen that dislikes moist/soft food - like applesauce & yogurt - but will still try to eat floor crud. Her crop was slowly emptying throughout Friday & felt like chicken scratch or sand. Not one hard mass. I GENTLY massaged her crop but not sure how hard to do it. When getting ready to tube feed Fri night, she put her head down & liquid came out. After the tube feeding , she did some head shaking. (Stopped by this morning.)

Her crop is much smaller & softer today. My biggest concern is that her abdomen is very big & hard. I wormed her (Valbazen) a few days ago, so perhaps there's a worm blockage. She's pooping some. The 3 parts are watery, dark greenish slimey, white slimey. Very smelly! I cleaned up her vent area with a warm bath yesterday. The vent looks small, dry, & tight like a non-layer. (Her last egg was Sept 1, 2015, followed by sickness, then molt.)

Any suggestions to soften up the __?__ blockage? Her back end from just behind the legs to the vent is swollen & firm. She walks very slowly.
I have Duramycin-10 powder on hand, but haven't tried antibiotics. I got up my courage & tried the lubed glove to feel for an egg. I got inside 2" & didn't feel an egg. The vent is pale, tight, & dry like a young pullet's. She's not really walking much. She alternates her legs, but slowly. She's kind of leaning weight forward. Perhaps to keep balance since her back end is so heavy.

I just took a pic of her and 2 most recent poops. It's a little less liquid now than this morning. She hasn't eaten since thurs night - only some water, stool softener, & electrolytes. I'm nervous about adding food to the swollen gut - but the crop is down. When I offer soft foods she declines.

Here are some vent & poop pics.

Cuddles update:
It was obvious after the 1st night that Cuddles had something that prevented her crop from emptying. Yesterday we tried to feed her HBegg, bread with oil, yogurt & late last night tube fed 1 Tb water w/ stool softener . She's so quiet today & only barely pecks at food - not the usual gobble ASAP that we're used to. She's probably the only hen that dislikes moist/soft food - like applesauce & yogurt - but will still try to eat floor crud. Her crop was slowly emptying throughout Friday & felt like chicken scratch or sand. Not one hard mass. I GENTLY massaged her crop but not sure how hard to do it. When getting ready to tube feed Fri night, she put her head down & liquid came out. After the tube feeding , she did some head shaking. (Stopped by this morning.)

Her crop is much smaller & softer today. My biggest concern is that her abdomen is very big & hard. I wormed her (Valbazen) a few days ago, so perhaps there's a worm blockage. She's pooping some. The 3 parts are watery, dark greenish slimey, white slimey. Very smelly! I cleaned up her vent area with a warm bath yesterday. The vent looks small, dry, & tight like a non-layer. (Her last egg was Sept 1, 2015, followed by sickness, then molt.)

Any suggestions to soften up the __?__ blockage? Her back end from just behind the legs to the vent is swollen & firm. She walks very slowly.
I have Duramycin-10 powder on hand, but haven't tried antibiotics. I got up my courage & tried the lubed glove to feel for an egg. I got inside 2" & didn't feel an egg. The vent is pale, tight, & dry like a young pullet's. She's not really walking much. She alternates her legs, but slowly. She's kind of leaning weight forward. Perhaps to keep balance since her back end is so heavy.

I just took a pic of her and 2 most recent poops. It's a little less liquid now than this morning. She hasn't eaten since thurs night - only some water, stool softener, & electrolytes. I'm nervous about adding food to the swollen gut - but the crop is down. When I offer soft foods she declines.

Here are some vent & poop pics.

Sorry, I asked about the wrong bird. Cuddles last poop looks like its getting better. I wouldn't feed her anything yet except the yogurt. But she looks like she is improving. Fingers crossed!
Sorry, I asked about the wrong bird. Cuddles last poop looks like its getting better. I wouldn't feed her anything yet except the yogurt. But she looks like she is improving. Fingers crossed!
That's OK. We have many Cookie stories too. That little hen has many nicknames as well.

Cuddles is a pet & will be with us whether she lays or not. She's not looking as bad this time. but she's so quiet & not eating. This time her abdomen is very hard- not squishy.
Here are the little cuties. 1 in front is Junibutt's chick and her playmate is the easter egger in back. And so it begins, I have 4 of the SL bantam cochins and 4 Orpington eggs in the small incubator that have made it to day 7 and looking good. Better fertility this time around on the Orps, but still not 100%. I am going to let these go to hatch.


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