
Here's my ???? chick. I think I simply mixed up & marked Precious's egg as an orp. Perhaps she laid a smaller, lighter egg that week, so I mislabeled. Precious is a backyard mix & a fav like Cuddles.

Precious believes the world revolves around her. Whenever I'm in the yard, I must be there to shower her with affection & treats. She follows us around moaning & whining for "TREEEAATS."
@Faraday40 Wow they do look alike! What color are her legs? And are the feathers coming in Black or brown? My eyes are getting bad, so can't tell. Also, how is your home made brooder heater doing and what do you think? LOL, sorry for all the questions.
@Faraday40 Wow they do look alike! What color are her legs? And are the feathers coming in Black or brown? My eyes are getting bad, so can't tell. Also, how is your home made brooder heater doing and what do you think? LOL, sorry for all the questions.
The legs look like a gray with a brown hue. (a very unique color) The fluff looked black on day 1, but now (3.5 days old) has more gray with a touch of brown highlights. The feathers are still too small to tell color, but look black for now.

So far I love my Peck N Play brooder. The chicks sleep comfortably (& quietly) under the heating pad broody. No bright light to keep them awake at night. They are out & about most of the day, so it's hard to believe they are staying warm. Of course that's how the chicks were with my real broody, so I guess they're fine. The forecast calls for a few more frosty nights. I will be keeping them inside until at least Tuesday. They have discovered that they can warm up on the heating pad as well as under it. I'm glad I put Press N Seal around the heating pad & towel!

Not a fault of the brooder, but today I heard the "crying baby" kind of peeping. When I checked the feed, water, & temp, all was OK. Then I realized that my son was playing Legos next to the brooder. They were literally standing in the corner closest to him crying for some attention. Spoiled chicks!!!!
I found one my red stars huddled in a corner 5 days ago. She is the same one that lost her foot to frostbite last year. I brought her inside the house but she would not eat or drink anything. Her poop was normal but small. Gave her some electrolytes and some scrambled eggs with yogurt via syringe. Next day she would not even open her eyes and kept sitting. Rubbing her comb and wattles would make her open her eyes for a few secs but that's about it.

So, I gave up on her and asked my son to say goodbyes when he went to bed. She stayed that way for almost 2 days going in and out of consciousness and then my son decided to feed her a teaspoon of olive oil along with electrolytes. I kept telling him to let her die in peace but he took a day off from school yesterday (he claims he was sick) and cuddled with her off and on. and fed her olive oil again in the morning and evening.

Today (Day 6), I heard some noise coming out of the sun-room and there was Marcy standing up and eating away her feed. I have no idea if she will survive or whether it was the olive oil or the TLC she received but at least she has woken up!
We put her in the coup yesterday and today all day she walked, ate, jumped along with her friends. So all if fine and I got taunted by my son: "Dad, you give up on your pets so easily" and he is right (atleast this time)
The legs look like a gray with a brown hue. (a very unique color) The fluff looked black on day 1, but now (3.5 days old) has more gray with a touch of brown highlights. The feathers are still too small to tell color, but look black for now.

So far I love my Peck N Play brooder. The chicks sleep comfortably (& quietly) under the heating pad broody. No bright light to keep them awake at night. They are out & about most of the day, so it's hard to believe they are staying warm. Of course that's how the chicks were with my real broody, so I guess they're fine. The forecast calls for a few more frosty nights. I will be keeping them inside until at least Tuesday. They have discovered that they can warm up on the heating pad as well as under it. I'm glad I put Press N Seal around the heating pad & towel!

Not a fault of the brooder, but today I heard the "crying baby" kind of peeping. When I checked the feed, water, & temp, all was OK. Then I realized that my son was playing Legos next to the brooder. They were literally standing in the corner closest to him crying for some attention. Spoiled chicks!!!!
Ok so maybe I need to order your heating pad, because the 2 that I have, do not seem to be doing enough. Mine only has low, medium and high settings. Another thing, my basement is on the cooler side, 60- 65 degrees. So wondering if that is making a difference also.

Well the chick is a cutie, no matter what it is. Such an adorable face!

And 1 or more of my mottled cochin bantams have began to lay. The eggs are so tiny, about the width of a quarter. I ended up with 4 girls,(I thought the black solid was a boy) so now I have 8 egg due to hatch on Monday, and hoping for a blue mottled boy to put with my girls. I also had one SL bantam cochin that hatched tonite and I think 4 more on the way next week.

Minnie my SL bantam cochin has gone broody. Counting heads at bedtime and she was missing. She was in nesting box. I have my last hatch due in 2 weeks, I could slip the chicks under her or do I slip some more eggs under her? MMmmmmmm

Also discovered that the other Orpington chick that hatched last week was from my Partridge. I didn't even know she was laying yet. I was checking wing feathers tonite and was pleasantly surprised. AL is the father, so now I have to wait and see if that chick will be my first step for a silver partridge. This is so much fun!!!
We put her in the coup yesterday and today all day she walked, ate, jumped along with her friends. So all if fine and I got taunted by my son: "Dad, you give up on your pets so easily" and he is right (atleast this time)
SO glad she is ok. And thank goodness for your son and his persistence.
So excited, found my first Is bar egg today!
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I live in Kinderhook, IL, near(ish) Quincy. Hoping to get started with chickens real soon. I have 3 chicks and we need to get started on a coop, we are pretty lost. Anyone near me who can help a new person out?!
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