
I'm exhausted just reading it....
Long day gardening, but did accomplish getting most of the garden in, and late as usual even though we plan well in advance...

Tried something different this year with the corn... All my life I have never had issues growing corn, plug it in the ground and it grows, but, I also only did small plots... Since moving into the new place I have attempted for 2 years now to grow corn and I get horrible germination rates and I mean horrible... Trying to figure out why, always use fresh seeds and plant multiple varieties just in case on is a dud, but for 2 years they have essentially all been duds... First year I planted a few hundred seeds and maybe 50% germinated, but then most got knocked over in a wind storm soon after thus killing the crop... Last year I planted over 1000 sweet corn seeds and I'll bet that less than 50 actually germinated, a stupid dismal number that baffles me, especially when I had give or take 90% germination on the couple dozen 'Indian corn' seeds I planted... I basically just gave up and let the weeds take over at that point...
I had a bummer year with corn last year too. We planted 250 "non GMO", soaked them too, and only 12 came up. The largest ear was only as long as my hand everything else was small or nonexistent

This year I have a great crop of grass growing. Not sure how but 1/4 of the plot was drenched with grass seeds. I had planted before I new about the grass otherwise I would have re tilled it.
  :th I'm exhausted just reading it....

It's not all that bad, yeah it's some work but it's outdoors in the sun so it's not all bad... I know it's a lot of corn but once you get going it honestly goes fast and it doesn't seam like it's as much as it is...

I had a bummer year with corn last year too. We planted 250 "non GMO", soaked them too, and only 12 came up. The largest ear was only as long as my hand everything else was small or nonexistent

Sorry to hear that but at least I'm not alone in the frustration...

This year I have a great crop of grass growing. Not sure how but 1/4 of the plot was drenched with grass seeds. I had planted before I new about the grass otherwise I would have re tilled it.

Yeah, after giving up on the corn last year, I grew a great crop of grass and weeds as well, thus the reason I killed it all back before planting this year, didn't want to deal with it popping right back up...

Either way only time will tell now if it actually produces something this year, hopefully I will see a bunch of emerging sprouts in a few days...
one of my BR pullets is hopping on one foot this morning - don't know what happened. Debating whether I should isolate her for the time being. She's eating and drinking so far and doesn't seem overheated.

This weather is sure a bummer. Those of you gardening have my admiration. I've got a bit of a garden in but little energy to do much more. Big storm headed with a forecast of hail....sigh.....

How long does corn take to germinate?

1.5 to 2 weeks ago, I planted a few rows in about a 5' square. (DS wanted it, so it's my 1st time trying it). Only have about 5-6 , 2" plants & those could be XL crabgrass or something.

The area does have mice & an occasional chicken when they decide to hop the garden fence. I know the chickens visited because my neat row of sugar peas got spread out & moved 12-20" from where it was planted. Several of the broccoli plants were nibbled, but not completely destroyed. I've been spraying any visitors with the hose, but today it was cardinals dust bathing in the Swiss chard. In about a month, I'll be happy to have the birds visit & eat some bugs/weeds, but I want the plants to be a little more established.
one of my BR pullets is hopping on one foot this morning - don't know what happened. Debating whether I should isolate her for the time being. She's eating and drinking so far and doesn't seem overheated.

This weather is sure a bummer. Those of you gardening have my admiration. I've got a bit of a garden in but little energy to do much more. Big storm headed with a forecast of hail....sigh.....


I agree this hot weather is a bummer, and I usually like the heat. Did you check your BR foot? Perhaps she stepped on something or maybe bumble foot. Worth checking, I had an Orpington that was in a hurry to get out of the coop in the morning and came flying out. Landed on her leg wrong and still can't walk much on it. She still eats and drinks and lays an egg. But can't get around like she use too
How long does corn take to germinate?

1.5 to 2 weeks ago, I planted a few rows in about a 5' square. (DS wanted it, so it's my 1st time trying it).  Only have about 5-6 , 2" plants & those could be XL crabgrass or something.

Generally about 4-14 to break the soil surface depending on soil temp and depth, with dent and heritage type corn being on the front 4-7 days and most hybrid sweet corn being near the end at 7-14 days...

I know the chickens visited because my neat row of sugar peas got spread out & moved 12-20" from where it was planted. Several of the broccoli plants were nibbled, but not completely destroyed.

The nice thing about those crops if if they do get destroyed there is still time to plant a second batch, peas and leafy vegetables mature so fast, while broccoli can be pushed all the way until the first hard frost if you need the extra time...

I plant purple broccoli and cauliflower every year, and the plants grow like weeds, but yields are not that great thus far, I get some flowers but not as much as I would like, i'm guessing the problem is the summer temps we get...

I can't help but laugh at the sight of my tiny Sebright trying to cover her giant Orpington chicks. They're 4 weeks.

She certainly has the perfect expression for the job.

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