
I have been reading your posts, and wondering if the predator situation is under control?

Also did you try to figure out how your chickens interior and organs get vacuumed out ?
Thanks cavemanrich for asking, no it's not under control yet. They took out the 400+ acres of sweet corn around the house which helped tremendously but there is still a strip of soybeans in a dry corner that is a problem. We get the gun ready and waiting and wait but haven't seen it for months. We can't get a shot off if we don't see it of course. It's frustrating. We thought we were in the clear after the corn was taken out, thought we'd get it. Still we haven't. Dang thing is smart. I wish only dumb things wanted to eat my flock lol. We are still trying but we did lose our last white Rock pullet a week ago this last Saturday. I feel bad but she was kind of dumb and not very friendly although possibly may have calmed down. She went off on her own while free ranging and sure enough there was a pile of white feathers next to the beans. Next year we hope to find some heritage rocks as part of DH2B's wish list. I believe I have a connection for silver pencilled rocks which I believe are from a heritage line. I'm so excited about them because they're stunning. That white rock pullet makes 17 or more birds that we've lost this summer to predators. There have been a few times where we couldn't count all the juveniles and may have lost some of them too(cockerals growing out for meat-we have 40+ maybe 50+) of various ages right now but at one time there were many more pullets as well that have nearly all been rehomed.

We keep a pretty close eye on the adults and our favorites. When there are 17 black spastic 9 week olds all running around counting is difficult then you add in other colors and EE and yeah. We'll be keeping better records next year for sure. Though not flawless I think my records are okay for this year.

The salmon faverolles pullet was a mystery. We didn't necropsy, but I wish we had, in truth I've no clue what caused it. DH2B doesn't seem to see the value completely in the necropsy and I didn't have the heart. Its just something you never think to find, I mean to be able to see what was liver coming out as well as intestines and be no blood at all. Ugh I can only think she was possibly flawed. We did lose another faverolles pullet this spring from the same hatchery. Idk. If anyone has any further ideas I would love to hear them. Her large and part of her small intestines were out as well as part of her liver all of which looked perfectly healthy. Her intestines were not all unbunched but still mostly bunched together except one loop which came loose. Perhaps she had a bowel rupture up inside her as there did seem to be stool on her intestines(just one or two smallish spots) that were outside her vent but I looked closely at her vent and everything protruding and it all looked very healthy and pink with visible veins in it.
Today is Sept. 11, I flew the Flag at Half Mast. At sundown before I took flag down and retired the colors, had my grandchildren do a White Dove release. I explained to them the significance , of today. They are 5 and 6. I think they understood the best they were able to.

That was a great idea. Life was so different before 9/11/2001. I'm sure everyone over 20 will always remember exactly what they were doing when they heard the news & how normal daily life suddenly stopped during the week following the attack. For me I was happily teaching my science class, when I got a message to keep the kids until the principal made an announcement. It didn't sink in until 20 min later when I saw the news in the teacher's lounge.

With all the events of the day, everyone took the news & images in different ways. One teacher who was in shock b/c her DH was in NY on business, had the classroom TV on all morning & cried. We had to help cover her classes b/c she was in no condition to teach. Two of my 11 yr old students laughed when they 1st saw people jumping out of the windows. They had no experience with tragedy & viewed it like a like a video game or action movie. That kind of innocent naivete was forever lost. We all got through that very long & surreal day. The following morning, I realized that in all the commotion, I forgot to give one student her birthday card. I felt horrible for forgetting to honor this sweet, intelligent, beautiful child on her 11th (& golden) birthday. What a horrible day she must have had! I still think about her & my other students from that year and wonder what their life is like now - at age 26.
I'm in Brookfield, IL- not Brookfield, WI, though I drive through there a lot coincidentally. We're called "Zoo Town USA" as we're "famous" for our big zoo that's been there since the 1930's. :) Not too many chickens there though.
Thanks for the info; will raise but block access underneath.
There is also an alternate way to raise the coop like about 2 feet and have that area as added run space. Chickens can us it to be out of rain or sun while being outside. You and I are both City Slickers, and we don't have abundant acreage. The more space we can provide in a run , the better. Post some pix when you get a chance.
Had a bunch of chicks hatch today.
All 6 incubator eggs hatched (3 lav orps & 3 blk orps)
I got to watch a simultaneous hatch.


This little one decided to wear its shell as a hat.
No she's not in chick jail. I use the containers to separate the eggs by hen. I just cut off the top & bottom.

Here are some more pics of misc. orp chicks.

Trouble hatched all 4 of her eggs. 2 DomxOrps (a male & a female) and 2 SpitzxOrps.
I put some of the incubator chicks near her & they quickly disappeared under a very happy hen.

The rest of the incubator chicks went under Cookie. Her 2 eggs did not hatch (as of 5pm today). She's still sitting strong, so we'll just have to wait & see.

Here are the 2 "Spitz-ingtons"
I know the hen was a Silver Spitzhauben, but the brown has me wondering about the dad.

Mr Dummy (Blk/lav split orp) is the top roo, but Brick (double barred chocolate cuckoo orp) from @Junibutt was raised with the Spitz. He may have had more mating opportunities. Could the brown have come from Brick or would they have to be barred to be his offspring?

Anyway, they are very tiny & adorable. Although mutts, they're already my favorites.

So the current count is 10 - with a possible 2 more tomorrow. I left the incubator going - just in case, but I skipped setting up a brooder. My broodies were more than willing to accept the chicks.
@cavemanrich is correct
I was just thinking of the setup I have. But wish I would have done that with my smaller coop, that area could use the additional square footage. Especially since my husband says I need to set aside some outside space for the family to enjoy, and not fill it with chickens. My response, well there are no chickens in front of the house.

@Faraday40 cute hatch, those spitzingtons are so cute. Congrats!!!
Had a bunch of chicks hatch today.
All 6 incubator eggs hatched (3 lav orps & 3 blk orps)
I got to watch a simultaneous hatch.


This little one decided to wear its shell as a hat.
No she's not in chick jail. I use the containers to separate the eggs by hen. I just cut off the top & bottom.

Here are some more pics of misc. orp chicks.

Trouble hatched all 4 of her eggs. 2 DomxOrps (a male & a female) and 2 SpitzxOrps.
I put some of the incubator chicks near her & they quickly disappeared under a very happy hen.

The rest of the incubator chicks went under Cookie. Her 2 eggs did not hatch (as of 5pm today). She's still sitting strong, so we'll just have to wait & see.

Here are the 2 "Spitz-ingtons"
I know the hen was a Silver Spitzhauben, but the brown has me wondering about the dad.

Mr Dummy (Blk/lav split orp) is the top roo, but Brick (double barred chocolate cuckoo orp) from @Junibutt was raised with the Spitz. He may have had more mating opportunities. Could the brown have come from Brick or would they have to be barred to be his offspring?

Anyway, they are very tiny & adorable. Although mutts, they're already my favorites.

So the current count is 10 - with a possible 2 more tomorrow. I left the incubator going - just in case, but I skipped setting up a brooder. My broodies were more than willing to accept the chicks.
Beautiful chicks!

All of Brick's offspring will be barred because he has two barring genes. If the chick is not barred, it might be some leakage from other color.

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