
Came home on lunch break to find a beautiful brindle Pit attempting to access our run... Thankfully it's dual layered with heavy gauge wire fence on the outside and 1" chicken wire on the inside... So she was denied access, thank god... first attempt she just mocked me and ran off... then she came running up to play and I grabbed her collar... Unfortunately this is the 2nd time we have caught her, 1st time her owners were looking for her, this time, she got a ride to the pound... No name or phone number, just city registration tags... but she should make it back to her owners...

beautiful dog, but dont screw with my silkies or you will find some rock salt in your behind... Eh hem...

We've lost 2 silkies from the hawks which is why the fence is so secure now, dont need a regular dog issue now too... Thinking maybe a layer of tacks around the outside of the run might be next in the coop/run securement project...

Apparently, you built a strong run. Good for you! Sorry about your losses.
Hi, I'm Carol from Galatia, Il. The southern I'll area. I'm looking forward to learn about raising chickens. I'll be starting a coop up this spring.
Welcome to BYC.

Everyone fingers crossed please. Prayers appreciated. This evening at lockup two birds were missing both are OEGB.

One of them is my prized black OEGB roo Mickey. The other is our silver duckwing OEGB hen, Ducky. I am hoping Ducky has just become broody and Mickey being the best roo/cockeral we have had bedded down with her somewhere.

We were home all day and never heard nor saw anything from the flock out of the ordinary to make us worry. Despite searching at lockup and again before bed we found no signs of them at all. No feathers and the flock seems fine and not agitated.

I'm praying they turn up tomorrow in which case I might have to throttle them. Jk but I am very worried. I don't think there's ever been a day where Minnie has gone to bed without Mickey. Don't know what I'd do if I lost my number 1 boy.
I hope Mickey and Ducky turn up for you. Don't give up hope.

With all the craziness of the upcoming wedding, for some reason I neglected to close the door on the big coop Friday night. Got into bed at 1am and couldn't fall asleep. At 5am I heard one of the boys crowing and thought to my self, that's awfully loud, did I leave the door open? Went out to check and sure enough the door was open! 2 of my hens were missing and Mr Handsome, my handicapped splash roo, was hiding in the corner of the run. He never leaves the coop. Brought him in, searched for the girls, but couldn't find a trace of them. The end of the run is open so I thought the worst. Had to be at my daughters at 630 for the wedding day. Started my day with tears.

The wedding day, was also eventful. First snag, my husbands back spasms were so bad, he couldn't make the wedding. Then, my oldest daughters zipper busted open just before heading to the church. As I was trying to lace it up with a ribbon, someone had called the dress store and they had a dress, her size and were going to meet us at the church, thank goodness! Then my youngest daughter had one of those moments where she almost past out during the ceremony, thankfully she made it thru without going down. Then my grandson, the ring bearer, came down with the stomach flu for the rest of the day. He made it thru the ceremony, but slept on me throughout most of the day and was asleep on a bed of chairs I made for him by 8pm. Then it was my daughter, the Brides turn. She ended up with the stomach flu also. It hit her around 830, she was a trooper, but after running to the bathroom for the 4th time, it really hit her hard. But besides all these little, LOL, glitches, it was a wonderful, fun, beautiful day.

OK, back to the chicken story. Sunday morning, headed out to the coops and who do I see! Both of my girls are sitting there outside of the run, they were alive! Those poor girls survived 2 nights on their own. It was my Mottled and Black Orpingtons girls and I was so happy to see them both.

So chickendreams24 don't give up hope on Mickey and Ducky!
Well at least your daughter's wedding will be memorable! So sorry about all the stomach flu, but as I'm sure you know, the wedding is simply a day. It's the marriage that's important. Give you daughter a big hug from us & all your other crazy chicken friends.

Also, so happy your hens returned. I doubt they'll be wandering far from home anymore.
Well at least your daughter's wedding will be memorable! So sorry about all the stomach flu, but as I'm sure you know, the wedding is simply a day. It's the marriage that's important. Give you daughter a big hug from us & all your other crazy chicken friends.

Also, so happy your hens returned. I doubt they'll be wandering far from home anymore.
They didn't wander. I think since I left the door open at lockdown Friday night, something wandered in and perhaps chased them out.
Mr. Handsome never leaves the coop, ever since he was picked on as a teenager and the mean hen (which I rehomed) just picked at his hip, he has a hard time walking and doesn't leave the coop. So I know something was in there that chased him out. I am just happy it didn't kill anyone.
Everyone fingers crossed please. Prayers appreciated. This evening at lockup two birds were missing both are OEGB.

One of them is my prized black OEGB roo Mickey. The other is our silver duckwing OEGB hen, Ducky. I am hoping Ducky has just become broody and Mickey being the best roo/cockeral we have had bedded down with her somewhere.

We were home all day and never heard nor saw anything from the flock out of the ordinary to make us worry. Despite searching at lockup and again before bed we found no signs of them at all. No feathers and the flock seems fine and not agitated.

I'm praying they turn up tomorrow in which case I might have to throttle them. Jk but I am very worried. I don't think there's ever been a day where Minnie has gone to bed without Mickey. Don't know what I'd do if I lost my number 1 boy.

I hope Mickey and Ducky turn up for you. Don't give up hope.

With all the craziness of the upcoming wedding, for some reason I neglected to close the door on the big coop Friday night. Got into bed at 1am and couldn't fall asleep. At 5am I heard one of the boys crowing and thought to my self, that's awfully loud, did I leave the door open? Went out to check and sure enough the door was open! 2 of my hens were missing and Mr Handsome, my handicapped splash roo, was hiding in the corner of the run. He never leaves the coop. Brought him in, searched for the girls, but couldn't find a trace of them. The end of the run is open so I thought the worst. Had to be at my daughters at 630 for the wedding day. Started my day with tears.

The wedding day, was also eventful. First snag, my husbands back spasms were so bad, he couldn't make the wedding. Then, my oldest daughters zipper busted open just before heading to the church. As I was trying to lace it up with a ribbon, someone had called the dress store and they had a dress, her size and were going to meet us at the church, thank goodness! Then my youngest daughter had one of those moments where she almost past out during the ceremony, thankfully she made it thru without going down. Then my grandson, the ring bearer, came down with the stomach flu for the rest of the day. He made it thru the ceremony, but slept on me throughout most of the day and was asleep on a bed of chairs I made for him by 8pm. Then it was my daughter, the Brides turn. She ended up with the stomach flu also. It hit her around 830, she was a trooper, but after running to the bathroom for the 4th time, it really hit her hard.  But besides all these little, LOL, glitches, it was a wonderful, fun, beautiful day.

OK, back to the chicken story.  Sunday morning, headed out to the coops and who do I see! Both of my girls are sitting there outside of the run, they were alive! Those poor girls survived 2 nights on their own. It was my Mottled  and Black Orpingtons girls and I was so happy to see them both.

So chickendreams24 don't give up hope on Mickey and Ducky!

Wow that is quite the wedding! I'm glad she didn't let it ruin her big day. Of course like Faraday40 said it is definitely the marriage that's the most important. Yes please do give her hugs from all of us-after she's not contagious anymore. Lol

We have come down with a bad and miserable cold since last week. DH2B (Mr. Big shot never gets sick) came down with it first and lovingly shared it with me. Isn't that sweet? Lol


Well at least your daughter's wedding will be memorable!  So sorry about all the stomach flu, but as I'm sure you know, the wedding is simply a day.  It's the marriage that's important. Give you daughter a big hug from us & all your other crazy chicken friends.

Also, so happy your hens returned.  I doubt they'll be wandering far from home anymore.
Came home on lunch break to find a beautiful brindle Pit attempting to access our run... Thankfully it's dual layered with heavy gauge wire fence on the outside and 1" chicken wire on the inside... So she was denied access, thank god... first attempt she just mocked me and ran off... then she came running up to play and I grabbed her collar... Unfortunately this is the 2nd time we have caught her, 1st time her owners were looking for her, this time, she got a ride to the pound... No name or phone number, just city registration tags... but she should make it back to her owners...

beautiful dog, but dont screw with my silkies or you will find some rock salt in your behind... Eh hem...

We've lost 2 silkies from the hawks which is why the fence is so secure now, dont need a regular dog issue now too... Thinking maybe a layer of tacks around the outside of the run might be next in the coop/run securement project...
Don't do that. First it would be cruel, and secondly, you or a family member may become a victim of those tacks..
I suggest an electric wire. They are inexpensive and VERY EFFECTIVE. As well as safe.

Check with your authorities if they are OK to use where you live. Inside your property should be OK. One sniff by FIDO , and he's OFFFFFFFFFF.
You sure had an eventful few days.

As to your chickens.........

They say there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In your case it was your 2 chickens.
My feeling is that an opossum spooked them out. They were able to escape. Yes they can eat chickens, but are a little on the slow side. Opossum then probably snacked on whatever he could find in feed. Maybe he was a young small one as well.
Everyone fingers crossed please. Prayers appreciated. This evening at lockup two birds were missing both are OEGB.

One of them is my prized black OEGB roo Mickey. The other is our silver duckwing OEGB hen, Ducky. I am hoping Ducky has just become broody and Mickey being the best roo/cockeral we have had bedded down with her somewhere.

We were home all day and never heard nor saw anything from the flock out of the ordinary to make us worry. Despite searching at lockup and again before bed we found no signs of them at all. No feathers and the flock seems fine and not agitated.

I'm praying they turn up tomorrow in which case I might have to throttle them. Jk but I am very worried. I don't think there's ever been a day where Minnie has gone to bed without Mickey. Don't know what I'd do if I lost my number 1 boy.
Did they show up today. ??? In the last 2 week, I lost 2 of my OEGH. Shannon and Limey. Old age. About 8 years, + or - Even so it is sad.
Don't do that. First it would be cruel, and secondly, you or a family member may become a victim of those tacks..
I suggest an electric wire. They are inexpensive and VERY EFFECTIVE. As well as safe.

Check with your authorities if they are OK to use where you live. Inside your property should be OK. One sniff by FIDO , and he's OFFFFFFFFFF.
the tacks was a sarcastic comment. Sorry if it came out as for real. I get frustrated with animals bothering my chickens/dogs/fish/etc however unless they are actually harming them, it's all good. Just dont want a mass slaughter of my silkies from a dog that isnt kept properly.

Good idea on the electric fence though. I might just look into it for added protection.
Your birds might be hiding under some bushes. I put some chicks out with the flock and I keep them in runs with dog chain link fencing, which they easily slipped through. I found all 15 of those that slipped out. Got my fingers crossed!

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