
Yeah... I cant have boys and just had to rehome two little D'uccles. I am in Mchenry county, Lakemoor. Our neighbors are down with the chickens and ducks, but not a rooster which is fair. And that sounds like the same attitude our Welsummer has. She is called Sassy, and it suits her very well. 

Yes, I figured so. Do you know of a good place to post for rehoming in Mchenry Co (we are near CL)? I know a lot of people are trying to give away cockerels this time of year, this is my first time having to do so. My kids are pretty attached but he can't stay.
Hello all,

It's lovely to see Illinois so well represented. I had originally wanted to spend some time scrolling through this thread to get to know you all better. Needless to say with 7000+ replies I can tell that you like chickens...which is pretty much all I need to know!

I'm from the north-east-central part of the state. Along with the chickens (a mix of Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and White Rocks. And maybe a Delaware), I also have a flock of Cayuga ducks and a herd of huacaya alpacas.

On the plus side, I'm never bored.

It's great to be here and I can't wait to learn more!

and Welcome to the Illinois thread. Your bringing something new to our thread, Alpacas!!! How many do you have?
Yes, I figured so. Do you know of a good place to post for rehoming in Mchenry Co (we are near CL)? I know a lot of people are trying to give away cockerels this time of year, this is my first time having to do so. My kids are pretty attached but he can't stay.
My vet for the other pets actually suggested to me, after we got our boys rehomed unforutnately, Lambs Farms. Look it up its cool. I am not sure if they will take him, but it might be worth calling. There's also a lady down the road from the Big R Here that adopts animals, I have no way to contact her though, its fun when you drive by she has geese, ducks and lots of chickens running around.. I posted mine on craigslist and they were taken in hours by a couple who were zoned ag.
Hello all,

It's lovely to see Illinois so well represented. I had originally wanted to spend some time scrolling through this thread to get to know you all better. Needless to say with 7000+ replies I can tell that you like chickens...which is pretty much all I need to know!

I'm from the north-east-central part of the state. Along with the chickens (a mix of Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and White Rocks. And maybe a Delaware), I also have a flock of Cayuga ducks and a herd of huacaya alpacas.

On the plus side, I'm never bored.

It's great to be here and I can't wait to learn more!

Alpacas are awesome! When I worked in the pet store outside of Seattle, we occasionally had a therapy alpaca visit! It was so cool. She was so calm and sweet.

There's someone on BYC (@Johnn ) that takes amazing pics of his SS "Dorothy." That hen is a big reason why DD & I wanted to get one. She orig wanted a Jubilee Orp, but that's out of our price range right now and the SS should give us more eggs.

Ours is in the awkward teen stage right now.

Your pics aren't making it easy for me to avoid adding more orps.
..... and just look at that pile of unhatched chicks in the background!

Should I feel bad for passing along my chicken addiction?
Today someone came by to buy up our quail. He already has chickens, so he was only interested in the quail. After buying the quail & driving away, he returned and asked to buy our extra silkies too.
Thank you! Believe it or not Dorothy was a really ugly teen haha.
Checking with all nearby state threads, as I'm planning to drive to pick up: Does anyone have or know of anyone who has COTTON PATCH GOOSE hatching eggs, goslings, or adults. Please PM me with any information. Thank you.
and Welcome to the Illinois thread. Your bringing something new to our thread, Alpacas!!! How many do you have?
Excellent!! I have sixteen currently :)

Alpacas are awesome! When I worked in the pet store outside of Seattle, we occasionally had a therapy alpaca visit! It was so cool. She was so calm and sweet.

I love the concept of therapy alpacas. I have one that I think has the right temperament for therapy work and I would love to explore that possibility someday.
Excellent!! I have sixteen currently :)

I love the concept of therapy alpacas. I have one that I think has the right temperament for therapy work and I would love to explore that possibility someday.
Can I ask, do you raise them for their coat, if that's what you call it? Well, besides being so adorable, any other reason? I am not familiar with them and would love to learn a bit about them.
Can I ask, do you raise them for their coat, if that's what you call it? Well, besides being so adorable, any other reason? I am not familiar with them and would love to learn a bit about them.

I do raise them for their coat, or fiber. It's a lovely fiber that is very soft. I keep saying that I spin it into yarn, but that's not entirely true as I haven't had time to spin any yarn in years, lol. So I'm leaning towards sending my fiber into a mill for processing. Someday, I'll get back to a place where I can work with my fiber. That's the goal.

So yes, they are raised primarily for their fiber. In South America, they are also used for meat, but they are not a traditional meat animal. Although, I've heard it's very good. I just can't bring myself to do it yet. Then again, if the boys act up again and try me on a bad day.... xD

Otherwise, they are a fun animal to raise. They're easy on fences, easy to feed, easy to maintain. As a species, they are gentle and curious, though not terribly cuddly. They are friendly in their own way, though very reserved.

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