
OK. This is not chicken related but I have to share our morning....

Today's our 23rd wedding anniversary. Nothing planned since DH can't take the heat and all the indoor date activities make us nervous with covid on the rise again.

SO...... our kids decided to make us breakfast. The disaster kitchen was another part of the gift but that's a whole different story.

DS made us eggs over not so easy with fresh cut chives. Not pretty but tasted great. He also gave us each a handful of almonds on our plates - because he likes almonds. DD made a plate of fruit - raspberries from the backyard and apple slices. The meal combo was a bit odd and looked terrible, but all yummy. And here's the best part. DD wanted to make it a romantic date, and adults drink wine on dates, right? However, we're not big drinkers and don't have any wine. She found an old wine cooler in the fridge from New Year Eve's and poured it into fancy glasses - for our breakfast. I thought it was Gatorade and got a big surprise. LOL I suppose it could have been worse. We also had a bottle of beer in the fridge. :lau

Life with kids is always interesting.
Too funny!😂
OK. This is not chicken related but I have to share our morning....

Today's our 23rd wedding anniversary. Nothing planned since DH can't take the heat and all the indoor date activities make us nervous with covid on the rise again.

SO...... our kids decided to make us breakfast. The disaster kitchen was another part of the gift but that's a whole different story.

DS made us eggs over not so easy with fresh cut chives. Not pretty but tasted great. He also gave us each a handful of almonds on our plates - because he likes almonds. DD made a plate of fruit - raspberries from the backyard and apple slices. The meal combo was a bit odd and looked terrible, but all yummy. And here's the best part. DD wanted to make it a romantic date, and adults drink wine on dates, right? However, we're not big drinkers and don't have any wine. She found an old wine cooler in the fridge from New Year Eve's and poured it into fancy glasses - for our breakfast. I thought it was Gatorade and got a big surprise. LOL I suppose it could have been worse. We also had a bottle of beer in the fridge. :lau

Life with kids is always interesting.
Congratulations! Sounds like a fantastic start lol. I say sometimes the effort is worth more than the effect.
I am absolutely crushed. The City Council just held their vote for me having my girls. I was denied by 1 vote. My hoarder neighbor has complained about "what if there's smell what about predators". I'm just beside myself. I am so attached to these beautiful creatures and I'm about to cry.
I talked to her before I ever got them and she never voiced any concerns at all. None of my neighbors did.
I'm crushed. If I can't relocate them I'll have to cull them. I don't know if I can do that.
She has 4 ameuricana chicks born may 2ish in Bloomington.

@Unswydd so sorry to hear. You were so excited too. :hit:hugs
Keep us updated please. I thought it was a done deal and was ok for 4?
Yes, my tears are all dried up for now. I also thought it was a done deal. Then I found out that it had to go before the Council tonight. I ended up with 3 Ameuricana chicks. 10 weeks old today. Got rid of the rooster. Drove him down to Effingham to a very nice lady there. I've worked so hard on the coop and run making it bomb proof!!!! Now I'll year it all down. All the money I've spent and love given all gone. I'm numb.
I've decided I'm going to appeal. I'll re-home these girls, my niece has some chicken people friends. Then I'll write my letter and start my protest rolling. Why put the option out there if they weren't going to allow it to happen? I met all their requirements and out of the 50 people they notified only 2 had any concerns which I addressed. So, my battle begins!!!! 😬😬😬

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