
The grass is always greener huh. haha Dogs want in the horse pen, ducks in the chicken house, Chickens hanging out on front porch where the dogs should be. Poor cat just wants in the house. Come to think of it, I have a chicken that wants in the house too! Its a zoo around here
Lol if you need any (or all) of them taken off your hands i guess ill help you out.
Do you think you have enough room on the roof of your barn?

I have that pictured in my head LOL

Gotta go for the night, Thanks for the visitin
I was thinking about getting a heated water dish (that they cant swim in and soon after turn into ice cubes). What about a heat lamp? One person told me to use one, and another said not to because it messes up their molting patterns. He said it might cause them to molt their winter feathers in the middle of winter.
So... I may be moving to Decatur temporarily. What can you guys tell me about the area? My DF got sent down there for work and well... I really hate living in Michigan with him pretty much living in IL. It's dumb! Lol... Anyways. I've been looking online and found a little 1br apartment that includes utilities for $510/month. It suits our needs pretty well. It's about 45 minutes for him to work and an hour for me to school, so it's in between both of us. Fair right? So... here's what I want to know...

1. How's the Decatur area? Is it fairly safe?
2. How's the economy there? Are jobs hard to find?

I don't know what else. I'm nervous about moving there but excited too... It's going to be a change that's for sure! I'm hoping Kevin will at least let me take my one duckling with me. The apartment allows pets so it shouldn't be an issue. Any info is appreciated. Thanks guys!!!
HI I am from Decatur, IL!

Housing is cheap around here depending on what you want in a home. If a country home, it is expensive LOL! However there are some one acre older homes around here priced from $40 to 60 thousand dollars. Rent is average around $800 to 1500 a month if you can find one.

Decatur is safe in certain areas. In the poor areas or housing projects, it is questionable and crimes are commonplace. Just about in every city you go to you are bound ot have some. In our area, it is pretty safe in the Elms and there are some rental homes in my area but some landlords are not fond of chickens. Ask first before acquiring some chickens.

Ecomony is ok but jobs are strong in the resturaunt and big businesses like ADM, Staley are pretty good. Caterpillar is questionable since some of my relatives have not been called back to work yet after being laid off for two months. It comes and goes like spurts. Xmas is a good time to looking for some jobs. It all depends on what you are looking for. The medical field jobs are great around here and always the need for nurses, office clerks, etc. and more doctors.

So are you planning on living in Decatur or living outside of Decatur?
I anticipated that I suppose. Jobs are really hard to find around here. I'll be leaving my job with a heavy heart, but I'm hoping they'll let me come back. I'm looking specifically for retail or restaurant work because 1. it's easier to find that kind of job, 2. easier for them to replace me, and 3. well I love waitressing!

We're on a tight-ish budget and are just looking to rent right now. I don't know why anyone would have a problem with ducks and chickens. They aren't inside to pee on the carpet or eat the molding. They don't bark or bite and... no litterbox smell or hair!!!

This is the ad for the apartment I'm looking at.

It says it's in the heart of downtown. I'm not sure where that is or what that means.

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