
The ones you get from the feed store are usually from Cackle (pppfttt - won't order from them!!!!) and they don't last long ...

There is a historic chicken breeder in eastern IA and a few meat chicken hatcheries there also.

I got some of my EEs from Rural King here in decatur that came from cackle and they are doing fantastic, well over a year now and laying like crazy. Maybe some do better than others sometimes, I ve never ordered directly from cackle though.
I live in Southern Illinois. I only have two EE roosters right now for sale.

But I also have Buff Orps, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, RIR, and some mutts. That should lay Olive/green eggs. Not positive.

I will be getting some EE chicks in a week or two. I will raise them for a few months, Then I will have some to sell.
Oh by the way. The Waterloo Swap is the biggest around here. It's huge. It's where I will be buying the EE chicks. You could probably find some hens there.
And there was polish last time too. I'll be there. Selling something I'm sure.
Hello Illinois!

Just a reminder that there are still lots of towns and cities right here in Illinois up for grabs in the BYC Chicken L.O.R.E. Project!

This is a massive undertaking, and everyone is encouraged to participate! Your knowledge of Chicken L.O.R.E. will earn you GFM Scratch, which are good towards new GFM Memberships, Membership extensions, or Membership gifts.

Remember - you don't have to select a city in Illinois - cruise the selection list and choose any city still available!

Get started now! Click on the Chicken L.O.R.E. link above for all the details, and remember your Project Managers are here to help in any way we can.

Good Luck, and Thanx for Joining In!
I just went to Stockton, IL to pick up a cabinet incubator this week. It was only a 2 hour drive from my place.

Is anyone coming to any swaps in Iowa this year?

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