
Yep, never had a sick chicken either! Her chickens were MG negative, tested by one of the 4H kids that bought the older hens from me. You would still quarantine your flock anyway, regardless whom you get them from.
Thanks for the nice comments Robin & Bob! Only 35 days till the swap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are official Kankakee Swap meet addicts!...We never miss it. We try really hard to make sure we only take and sell birds that we would want to buy ourselves. We also are honest...we don't try to sugar coat anything. And because of it we have a regular following at the Kankakee swap and many faithful regular buyers that look for us every swap. We truely enjoy it.

We also know alot of other sellers there and we may not have what your looking for, but might be able to direct you to a good honest source. There are several other byc breeders that are also regulars at the swap that can help with that as well.

See you all soon,
Hey Mothergoose.....or anyone selling at the show,

I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to sell my Leghorn Rooster for me, if I can bring him to the show. He is perfectly healthy and actually a beauty but he is the meanest most aggressive Roo ever! I posted in another thread about him and after all my attempts at making him nice, he continues to attack me and my 4 year old daughter. Most people said to not chance it with a kid and to get rid of him. I cant do the deed, I cant eat him....I'm to much of a whimp. Anyway I dont even know if it would be legal or whatever but I need HELP! Anyone want him???? I have a picture of him. And I certainly dont want any money. I just dont want to have to kill him for nothing....I would rather know that he was someones dinner. Ideas? Suggestions? Help!
Hello fellow Illini! I am a newbie who will be receiving a flock in April from McMurry hatchery. I ordered through Tri County Stockdale in Joliet, Il .
I plan on attending the fair in Kankakee in April! I am so glad I finally found the info!!! Does anyone know, is this the only time there is a "swap" in Illinois, or are there others to watch out for? I am looking to purchase a BLRW. Tri County cannot get one for me and I cannot order one through shipping because I only want one, so it is best to pick her up myself. Thank you:)

Oh- I am truly enjoying the BYC forum. I've been reading through it and there is so much info out there to learn from! It is addicting!
Hello Momsflock! Welcome! I dont know about other swaps but the Tri K ones at the Kankakee fairgrounds are

I think thats right. Good luck with your new flock!
Hey Mothergoose, Where abouts in Chebanse are ya? I live in Danforth and grew up in K3! I looked at your website. We've been wanting to get a goat for a while now, so maybe when we come to the show we can pick your brain on the care of them! And if you have any goat babies for
P.S. Thanks again for your help!

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