
I know a few places of Bloomington and Normal parks that would work. We can work with something every year in different cities and if our northern part of the state can hold their own chickenstock, it can work. After all we do have the central and south part of Illinois that needs to be addressed.

If we have alot of members that can go to Decatur, we can hold the first event here and for next year's event, we can hold another. We understand about traveling time, distance and gas prices so it would benefit most of us to split the chickenstock in three areas at different times.

We do have alot of central chicken folks, more than the northern part as of right now that are actively posting on BYC. Not the old posts because alot of our old members have moved on or no response to their emails.

We could see if we could have something at the poultry barn where the McLean County fair is. Also there is a park in my city (Le Roy) that has some shelters, no indoor areas though.
Robin, the hen is out with the rest of the flock starting today and she is top hen already! I couldn't beleive it! I can see why you wanted to sell her so quickly, she has to be the meanest hen I have ever seen! She clearly does not like the bantams at all and she hasn't yet met one of the bantam hens that has a temper on her... The only reason I moved her out there today was because I found an egg from her today!

Ugh I thought she would be in the low pecking order but rise her ranks pretty quickly. Man, she is THAT determined! However she would not cross with my three Welsummers tho because they have been here the longest and older than her.

time for her to get a roo that would smack her down a bit, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I never can understand why she hated the bantams and I thought my bantams were too laid back because they are accustomed to my presence and sees no harm coming to them.

Glad you found that egg! Its about time she laid an egg but you should be pleased with it. I still got some of her eggs in the refig about a month old, ready to be boiled into deviled eggs.

Now go get her a roo!
I was wondering if anyone was still interested. Hadnt seen anything on here for a few days. So is fall better for everyone? or summer? I can book the park in july or after. If anyone wants to hold it at their farm we can do that too. I want this to be a good time for all and I know gas prices are horrible right now. The reason I suggested here in Decatur is we are kind of the half way mark from southern and northern. Please everyone let me know that day would be good for everyone that wants to come. Maybe if this works we can go bigger next year!
Sounds good!

Don't know if I can make it. It's a 6 hour round trip for me and 110.00 in gas. I'll try though.
Wonder if I can take a train.... ? ? /
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Hi I'm in the quad cities area..Moline...home of John Deere... of Il would like to go to an Il chicken swap....when and where are you planning....I have silkies, Nankins and ameraucanas and now a dozen chanteclers....will have started birds to sell in the fall from all breeds
Hi all! I don't want to be a pain, but I am on my phones Internet with crap signal and I don't have Internet out here! But is there a chicken swap being talked about?! If so, we are definitly in. I live in Vandalia so decatuer (sp) wouldn't be a horrible drive for me. I breed FBCM, LF wyandottes, and silkies .... For now;)

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