
Mrs. Cannon :

Hi all! I don't want to be a pain, but I am on my phones Internet with crap signal and I don't have Internet out here! But is there a chicken swap being talked about?! If so, we are definitly in. I live in Vandalia so decatuer (sp) wouldn't be a horrible drive for me. I breed FBCM, LF wyandottes, and silkies .... For now;)


We're talking about a Illinois BYCer meet to see eachother in person, bring a plate to pass, and gerally have a little fun with eachother.​

We're talking about a Illinois BYCer meet to see eachother in person, bring a plate to pass, and gerally have a little fun with eachother.

ooo sounds wonderful! Although we may have to designate dishes or we may end up with 50 plates of deviled eggs!
. But really, it sounds like a great idea.
Yep, I wish I could meet more chicken people in my area! I'm sik of people looking at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I breed chickens! Lol.
Maybe they're the crazy ones who don't know the joys of a chickens!
It kinda does suck that no one knows anyone yet... I want a chicken/duck swap!!!

But I know how scary it can be to open up your home to a bunch of strangers and their chickens!

I guess a face to face pot luck is a way to start.
(No one said we can not swap hatching eggs......
) Decatur isn't a bad start......

I am free July 16-17th
and then again August 27th & 28th

Then let the swapping begin
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That is a good idea for a start and then we can plan for a real chicken swap for chickens and all the like when we can plan for livestock friendly places to go.

So the first meeting, we can do egg or chick/baby poultry swap, but no adult or started chickens or poultry of any kind. The potluck dinner would be a good start in the beautiful park. We do have several wonderful pavilions and I am sure we can fit in the dates. The August date sounds good so everyone can have plenty of time. July is coming up pretty soon and not sure how soon we can do it.

Bring the kids and their bikes! There is a wonderful playground nearby!
Good Idea!
So far I'm likein this whole Swap thing. I'm guessing and saying that it is still going to be in Decatur? If so I'll just spend the night at my sisters house.

Yes as far as I know from Sheila.

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