
Hey from Southern Illinois (tip of Fairview Heights near Caseyville), about 6 miles from the bridges into St. Louis, MO. Just got 6 Buff Orpington pullets.
Hi Witzman, SF/Silkie is a Cross between Salmon Faverolle Rooster and Silkie Hens. I'm sorry I don't have any Showgirls.
8/9 Month old Cockeral Blackbeard.
8/9 Month old Pullet Bunny
I wanted to give a Welcome to all the new members. I havent been on much lately with taking care of my elderly mom, trying to get my camper coop ready and having a broken foot, but wanted to stop by and welcome all the new members. Glad you are here!
You certainly have your hands full! Take care of yourself now!

Welcome to our new members!

I wanted to give a Welcome to all the new members. I havent been on much lately with taking care of my elderly mom, trying to get my camper coop ready and having a broken foot, but wanted to stop by and welcome all the new members. Glad you are here!
Hey friends.
It's been a whirlwind of emotions for me lately. My cousin died of cancer. She was my rock and my idol. We look so much alike. I won my battle and she lost it. I feel guilty and sad. Then I was talking to Greece when I got some astounding news. I had sent some hatching eggs. 6 eggs resulted in 1 Blue Wheaten cock, 2 Blue Wheaten hens, and 2 Wheaten hens. They have never seen such birds over there and blue eggs? Fuggetabboudit! They are now at 8 months, laying and the flockmaster has orders, with deposits for hens. He is selling them at 100 euros each.
I have orders for more hatching eggs. What do you think I should charge now??!!!!!
Denise Don't know how I should be.........
Paridisefound farm, I just want to say how sorry I am that you lost your cousin, I know how hard it can be to lose someone so close, you will both be in my prayers. Sandy

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