
That should be easy to remember, but God knows and hes holding her now in his arms.
Denise, I'm sorry to hear about your cousin.

Congrats on the new Greece market for your Wheatens, they are gorgeous!! I hope the eggs I got from you all hatch!
I'm sure they will Mary. I've had 100% hatches in picked up eggs. I'm a little concerned about that one of the extra eggs I added that we discussed. I'm curious to see what's up with that. Rmind me when they go into lockdown so I can keep my fingers crossed.
Denise, I was out of town for an evening and a friend turned the eggs for me while I was gone. She asked what are those beautiful blue eggs? I told they were the most beautiful Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas I got from ParadiseFoundFarm on BYC. I said NOT Easter Eggers, real, true, quality bred Ameraucanas! She loves your user name and wants to come back and see the chicks when they are born....I hope you're right so I'll have some to share!!!
Thanks again for the Gorgeous and Pretty eggs!!! Mary
Denise, I was out of town for an evening and a friend turned the eggs for me while I was gone. She asked what are those beautiful blue eggs? I told they were the most beautiful Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas I got from ParadiseFoundFarm on BYC. I said NOT Easter Eggers, real, true, quality bred Ameraucanas! She loves your user name and wants to come back and see the chicks when they are born....I hope you're right so I'll have some to share!!!
Thanks again for the Ggorgeous and Pretty eggs!!! Mary

Time for me to share the shorter story of Paradise Found.
About 30+ years ago I had a terrible accident which left me disabled. I was encouraged while in my wheelchair that the nerves in my neck would repair. I was told, when I was on 2 crutches that it was the best I would do. I was complimented when I graduated to 1 cane. I strove for better and then in a few years I was. All this time I struggled to pay my doctor bills. Finally, the judgment came in of the negligent driver who T-Boned me and there was a settlement. With that, I bought this "useless" property even my lawyer advised me against since it had no egress and was mostly floodway.

As I camped and had friends over to camp and bonfire, it was so peaceful I named it Paradise Found. I had nothing left to build on it but always planned a lovely home. I work around architects. For many years I played with the design of my home. Originally the architects would laugh at my design, then they became involved offering suggestions and stealing ideas but there was no money to build. Then the Forest Preserve started making sounds like they were going to take it by eminent domain because it was not built upon and at the same time I came down with cancer that was supposed to take my life within 5 years. My new husband heard me lamenting once that I regret never having built on Paradise Found. He and my father (who gave me my inheritance early) made it happen. We, all 3 of us, worked to build it almost all by ourselves. It kept me focused and I am sure assisted in my recovery. That was 6 years ago. I wanted it to be a sanctuary for unwanted animals.

The place was lovely, as you know, and I always wanted horses and alpaca but we can neither afford them, nor can I take good care of them due to my physical limitations and broken shoulders from the chemo/construction. But the home lacked something living. CHICKENS! Of course! But they had to be special. I did my homework and now raise what I prejudicialy belive are some of the most wonderful birds in the world (at least they are to me). It hurts me to cull as heavily as I do, but it is also a business and my breeder reputation on the line.

That's Paradise Found - - - in a nutshell.

You're going to love your new birds!!!!!
Thanks Chris! Right back at ya on your home and farm!!!!!!
BTW, your turkey slaughter - I have a friend who might like to join. Is it open for that or just your charity work?
Hi Everyone!
We just got 6 chicks a few weeks ago 3 black sex links and 3 isa browns from TSC. I just ordered 2 Araucanas they should be in this week. I'm new to keeping chicks & chickens. We are in the far western suburbs of Chicago, anyone near by? I'd love to hear what you do in the winter.....I know I have some time to get ready just want to be prepared :)

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