
Hi Everyone!
We just got 6 chicks a few weeks ago 3 black sex links and 3 isa browns from TSC. I just ordered 2 Araucanas they should be in this week. I'm new to keeping chicks & chickens. We are in the far western suburbs of Chicago, anyone near by? I'd love to hear what you do in the winter.....I know I have some time to get ready just want to be prepared :)
Illinois too! Chicago area

and to the Illinois thread! My husband works in Naperville but we live in Lee County, just west of I-39, between I-88 on the north and I-80 on the south. There are many BYCers that live in the 'burbs and will be showing up here soon, I'm sure.
You are going to love having chickens and being here on BYC!! There is lots of information and support for whatever you need. As far as winter prep goes, chickens are much tougher than you may think. Keeping them out of the wind and precipitation is the main thing. Proper ventilation is also very important during the winter, damp/humid air will cause more frost bite than bitter cold. Check out the Coop & Run Design, Construction and Maintenance Forum for threads with more information.
I live in South Holland and have three White Laced Red Cornish, An Old English rooster and two new Mille Fleur babies. I love bantams and they have layer through the winter. I have a heating element under my watered and they do just fine. Good to know there is another chicken lover nearby. I love my bantams.
Hello and welcome new members!
I live in Joliet, raise and sell Wheaten Ameraucana. I remember my first winter and was exceptionally worried about them but I found this thread by "Ms AK Bird Brain" , she's from Alaska so I gave her voice lots of credence. Her thread, "Think it's too cold for your chickens? Think again" ( Here is the link: ) taught me alot and gave me much peace of mind. With just a windbreak in their "outer coop" my birds were happy outside in the daytime and went inside at night. When we have blizzards, we wrap them up with tarps to keep out the heavy snow from the inside of the outer coop, other than that they are warm. So warm it would be nice to make a coat out of them. They need to stay dry more than they need heat. They can make their own heat. My breed has peacombs , no wattles and are exceptionally heavy coated. Good winter birds - one of the many reason I chose them. Make sure they are exposed to the cold as winter sets in so they make their own heavy coat. A good coop is a must. I must have ventilation - more than you would expect. Their breath and poop makes moisture. Keep it clean and dry under foot. Everything else will be fine.

Paradise Found
Thank you for all that information. I am on a really tight budget and want to get the best coop I can for the money. I would love to make a larger A-frame but have never attempted anything like that before. I am afraid that I would get started and totally fail. I know where my strengths and weaknesses lie and building something from the ground up isn't a strength. I honestly wish I knew a carpenter/handyman who would do it just for parts and a small bit extra. So far I haven't found anyone. I'm not far from Joliet so if you hear of anyone who would be willing let me know. Also, I found out today that I have Black Stars. I wanted Australorps but someone goofed. I have "bonded" and don't want to "trade" them in. I hope they will be a good fit for my/family.

Please feel free to send anything that you think I might find helpful my way. I am very eager to keep learning.

Thanks again.

Glen Ellyn
Thank you for all that information. I am on a really tight budget and want to get the best coop I can for the money. I would love to make a larger A-frame but have never attempted anything like that before. I am afraid that I would get started and totally fail. I know where my strengths and weaknesses lie and building something from the ground up isn't a strength. I honestly wish I knew a carpenter/handyman who would do it just for parts and a small bit extra. So far I haven't found anyone. I'm not far from Joliet so if you hear of anyone who would be willing let me know. Also, I found out today that I have Black Stars. I wanted Australorps but someone goofed. I have "bonded" and don't want to "trade" them in. I hope they will be a good fit for my/family.

Please feel free to send anything that you think I might find helpful my way. I am very eager to keep learning.

Thanks again.

Glen Ellyn

Dear Nancy:
Hello from Joliet. You might be able to convince my husband to help your husband build something if you have a trailer to transport it.

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