Has anyone else experienced this? I ended up getting two ducklings when I got my chicks. Now they are 10 and 11 weeks old and my chickens seem to act peculiar.... not like any chickens I've ever raised. They don't want to roost at night but just want to sit in a pile on the coop floor. Also it took them a good week and a half to start going back into the coop after being in the coop for weeks before the run was built. Once I separated them from the ducks (same run different houses), and the ducks go into their house now by themselves, the chickens still struggle going back in. For a while there i would just go stand in the run in the evening and they would slowly go in. It's not every day but I had like three straight days of success when every chicken went back inside before dark. Its like they forget to go in before the daylight fades! There is a window in there and everything it's not pitch black... maybe it should be? Then randomly like tonight I get home from a movie and it's raining, they are purched on the ramp out side getting wet..... I'm wondering if they all think they are ducks!! But the best part is the ducks are already inside their house! .....What!?! .....Bunch of weirdos!
(Our coop is designed after Carolina coop plans in case you need to know)
I just can't figure out what to do!
(Our coop is designed after Carolina coop plans in case you need to know)
I just can't figure out what to do!