Im a bit worried


Aug 3, 2016
Ok my chickens i have been told that they look a bit to big so like i said before so im worried my chickens are obese so i want to know how much is a chicken supposed to weigh when she has layed her first egg
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! It really does depend on what breed your chickens are as to how much they weigh. I would suggest you research the breed of your chickens to get an average weight of them. If they are on a healthy well balanced diet I would not be too worried.

Wishing you the very best of luck for the future and enjoy BYC :frow
Greetings from Kansas, Mrfarmer, and :welcome! Great to have you aboard! I agree with Yorkshire - tell us what kind of birds you have. To my experience, Cornish Cross are the only variety that will eat themselves into a stupor and get obese....most other breeds seem to regulate themselves pretty well around food. Best of luck. :)
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice already so I'll just say hello!

All the best
enjoy the community, and much luck with your flock!
That is a hybrid that, depending on from what hatchery it was purchased, goes by a variety of sex link, Red Star, Production Red, cherry egger. It is derived from cross between a Rhode Island Red and a New Hampshire. It doesn't look obese to me. Just looks like a healthy chicken. Hope this helps!

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