I'm a Newbie!

Thank You guys! I am with 'Willowbranchfarm'! She is my bff in real life! She knows a lot about chickens! Thank You Guys!

Chickens are sooooo much fun! you have to get some
I might! my mom said it would help with the ticks where we live! (I own a bay horse, ticks are problem) She said that they are a lot of work though...I'm up for it!
Thank You all! You have given me some GREAT ideas on how to get my mom to say 'yes' to chickens! Too bad the Holidays are passing :( Keep posting please! I love to read about what you guys have to say! Feel free to post some facts that I might need later! Thank You!
Some tips:

*Don't use cedar wood chips. They are toxic to chickens. Use pine shavings.

*Keep your feeders and waterers clean and free of poop.

*Make sure your chickens have enough living space. Overcrowding can cause stress and they can get sick.

*Make sure your coop is very predator proof. Also make sure they have perches and nesting boxes in the coop.

*Clean your coop every other week and dust it with poultry and garden dust. (This helps prevent mites and lice.)

*Use apple cider vinegar in your chickens water. Around 2 TBS to a gallon.


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