I'm a pot head! Innocence revisited! *NEWS pg7* MJ you gotta see this!

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I kept scrolling down for the picture of a Fry Daddy... sheesh, don't you guys follow through?!

Ya'll are hysterical!
okay I promised and here it is:


Here's what I was so excited about:
12 test eggs of the 12 eggs sent hatched in my first use of an old brower donated to me:

So what am I????
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dude, Nancy's a total pothead man. i knew it. i totally knew it!
look, she can't even stand up, brah....

oh my gosh! 12 of 12! i vote BO's and Leggies maybe???? or maybe sor RIR? just because of the pics and how the colors may come out on one cam and all. take more in a few days again and post.

pothead! Jacque...you better get that woman some help dude, she's got a wash pot on her noggin, brah.....well, that's the pot calling the kettle or the pothead callin' the pothead or something like that....
dude, we're all out of doritos man. someone go get some fritos. and dip. we need dip!

oh nooooo, i sat on the doritos brah! that's where they were, duuuuude.
someone call the Columbiaville fire dept....all 8 of them will come over and help me find all the bubble yum for you....
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