i'm almost sure this is a girl. Right?


Faith & Feathers
11 Years
May 1, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Hello all!
I have a 9wk old blue silkie named Winter, who I'm almost sure is a girl. Am I right?



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at the age this chick is, it could still go either way, but so far it looks girly. With the bearded silkies I tell folks don't count your hens until they are 4 months old, especially if the chick is from a decent breeder and not a hatchery.

Watch the chick as it roams around and interacts, does it stand tall with neck and head high? or does it stay more horizontal and even carriage as it walks around? really tall and head high is more indicitive of a boy, lower even carriage is more a clue to being a girl, but it isn't 100% by no means.

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