I'm brand new at chickens, some advice would be appreciated.


Thats the coop. The type of fence in the next yard is the type of fence we have in the rest of the area...

Lovely looking Polish chickens.

Chicken wire is not generally considered secure against predators. However, you must consider, who are the predators in your area and how might they get in to your coop? Cats will Probably not break into your coop. Dogs, or other wild canines will make a special trip into your yard just for the chance to try. Hawks and other birds of prey will also swoop in if your chickens are outside of the coop without cover.

Chickens tolerate cold better than they do heat. They need good ventilation, which it looks like you have.

Enjoy your chickens and have fun searching the site, there is a wealth of good information here.
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That's what I would have guessed as well-while the other chickens quit laying for a short period of time when we first got them and 2 of them went into a molt, our 2 polish chickens layed an egg a day from the get go. Hope yours do the same! They are very friendly docile chickens, I love them!
They make great layers!
Thanks for the information.
How do i know what the predators in my area are? Is there a site that will tell me? I live in a mountainous semi desert region in the middle east. I know there are wild dogs that roam the street, but as far as i know they wouldnt be able to jump the high fence to get into my backyards. I know cats do though. How do i know what predators are there?

You can search for nature guides and lists of wildlife. You should be able to figure out what would eat a chicken and if you can't there is always the Predators & Pests forum.

Are they covered from above? If you have predatory birds in your area this is necessary

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