I'm concerned about hatched duckling #2


15 Years
Jun 27, 2007
This duckling has been having a hard time. It pipped last night, a couple of hours ago it had rolled and bumped so much that most of the shell had cracked and a bunch fallen off(the whole top of the egg). It was funny to see this egg rolling around with the ducklings full bill sticking out of it. The membrane was almost dry (humidity in the bator is at 72%), I sprinkled some warm water on the membrane and baby broke through it. There is what I'm assuming is part of the yolk still hanging from the duckling but it's a horrible greenish black color. Duckling is moving around, peeping and seems very alert. Do I leave it be or try to clean it up and see if this is attached or just gunk that needs removing?

I think you just leave it be. I think it will either finish absorbing or get crusty and fall off.

"I think"... but I'm pretty sure, just leave it.

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