I'm covered with itching pink welts right after holding a chicken.

Nope, no mangy dog. I was really inside the whole few days. It was just after I put that chicken in my lap for a minute.

Almost all the bites are where my jeans were snug while sitting. Waist to knees. I got some on my chest neck and face, but those are the ones that look different. Like a long scratch. Happened the same day, though.
Oh my gosh! Help too! I'm SUFFERING from obvious bug bites and have even been to a Doctor (he said he couldn't "see" anything, blind old guy!) Now I have bites along by bra line, down my tummy and on my wrists. We don't have chiggers and it's winter here and it's been COLD outside (but not in their coop). My coops are clean (for chicken coops) and I spray my girls with an all natural bug killer. Does ANYONE have any other ideas...I'm with the other poster, it's miserable!
Bed bugs?

Another idea is to use the internet to pinpoint what is bothering your skin. Doctor's usually have little to no idea about rashes. (unless they are a dermatologist)...
Go to WebMD or other doctor site and search on rashes/bites and see if you can find a picture that looks like your skin. Then you will have a starting point for treatment. Personally, when it itches I put Hydrocotozone cream or ointment on it. If it is REALLY itchy I get a commercially prepared Oatmeal bath THEN the cream.

(Aside: NEVER use other oil based product to remove plant "poision" (poision Ivy/oak)...the oil in the soap will spread the plant oil ALL over your skin....even the oil in shaving cream...Fel Naptha soap has no oil, and is the only soap I use to wash my hands after playing in the garden or the woods. I am EXTREMELY "allergic" to poision Ivy and have tried everything on the face of the earth to "cure" it....the best thing to do is never get it in the first place)
Thanks! Tried it all..no luck, ah well...I'll will keep trying. It's so silly though! to be so tortured!
For poison ivy, bathe as soon as possible with a cup of clorox in the bath water. It will deactivate the poison ivy and help stop the itch and keep it from spreading. To kill the itchy misery you now have, aloe vera lotion with lidacaine (sp?) I originally bought it for sunburn, now I use it for everything. It works. I wish you the best.
no poison ivy here...and I haven't been around any, however, I'm thinking flees now, Ill check it out thanks
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