I'm getting 2 rabbits in a week or two!!! Yipee!

I'm so jealous of all of you who have rabbits! I used to have a flemish giant-----she was a great pet, we made a huge vari-kennel into her cage and she stayed there when we weren't home-----otherwise, she was allowed to be loose in the house (with supervision) and just loved playing with the cats. I've also had mini-lops---also very good pets, and netherland dwarf-----NOT good pets. I developed severe allergies to rabbits about 12 years ago, and cannot even touch one or be around them without getting hives and an asthma attack. Well, Mrs. Fluffy Puffy, congrats on yours, and hope you have fun with them!
Why not?

If they do start to fight, then I can put one in the bottom half or .... I have another hutch that he can be removed to.

Aside from what another poster already said, if you have a male and a female, they will breed as young as the female is fertile. This is usually before she's really able to handle having babies. And if you leave the male with her, he will breed her again almost immediately. So before you know it you have a underaged doe nursing a litter, already pregnant with her second one.

Unless you have a purpose in mind, you should probably avoid breeding altogether.

If you want more than 1 rabbit for pets plus company for each other then spay and/or neuter them BOTH( and at least around here it is NOT inexpensive surgery! ). HOWEVER,even if you were to get them fixed there is NO guarantee that they wont fight and tear each other up . Rabbits are territorial and particular about who they hang out with.

As for breeding rabbits,are you going to use them for meat or for show ? If not then WHY would you even want to breed?

Baby bunnies "are a dime a dozen" so to speak .They are hard to place into permanent, long life homes and end up being passed from person to person until they end up dying at young ages.
Face it people buy bunnies for kids as pets and kids tend to loose interest with them pretty quick!
People seem to think that rabbits' life spans are like a hamster or mouse..2 years maybe,but it's not. A well cared for ,healthy rabbit should live at least TEN years.
Anyway, i suspect you get my point.
If you love animals and care about their well being DO NOT BREED!
I am going to get 2 females, and if I decide to breed them then I'll take them down to the breeder's house and get them bred for free, that way I won't have to keep a male around. As for the babies ... I might keep them depending on how many there are, or I might sell them to a pet shop owner that I know and that I've sold stuff to before.
Should I get 2 lops, or 1 lop and 1 satin?
Lops or Satin is a personal preference.
And please, don't breed. Check out the house rabbit society and read about all the unwanted bunnies out there. There are tons. Willy Nilly breeding just adds to the problem of all the unwanted pets out there.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I am going to get 2 females, and if I decide to breed them then I'll take them down to the breeder's house and get them bred for free, that way I won't have to keep a male around. As for the babies ... I might keep them depending on how many there are, or I might sell them to a pet shop owner that I know and that I've sold stuff to before.
Should I get 2 lops, or 1 lop and 1 satin?

Not to be a stinker or anything but...are you HEARING what almost everyone is telling you about breeding? That it is NOT a good idea...Check out small animal/rabbit RESCUE sites. Check out Animal control/ Humane societies... rabbits for adoption lists...Go to www.petfinder.com and type in Rabbits for a search. Do you want to ADD to this nightmare ?
When you have done animal rescue for as many years as i have ( over 40 ) then breeding animals becomes a general NO NO for the most part ....​
Not to be a stinker or anything but...are you HEARING what almost everyone is telling you about breeding? That it is NOT a good idea...Check out small animal/rabbit RESCUE sites. Check out Animal control/ Humane societies... rabbits for adoption lists...Go to www.petfinder.com and type in Rabbits for a search. Do you want to ADD to this nightmare ?
When you have done animal rescue for as many years as i have ( over 40 ) then breeding animals becomes a general NO NO for the most part ....

Yes, I read what everbody had to say ... I would love to adopt animals, but we live about 2 hours away from any town and plus you have to pay for them! If they're just giving them away ... course I'd get some .... IF I did breed them then I would find homes for them, or most likely keep them all for myself!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Not to be a stinker or anything but...are you HEARING what almost everyone is telling you about breeding? That it is NOT a good idea...Check out small animal/rabbit RESCUE sites. Check out Animal control/ Humane societies... rabbits for adoption lists...Go to www.petfinder.com and type in Rabbits for a search. Do you want to ADD to this nightmare ?
When you have done animal rescue for as many years as i have ( over 40 ) then breeding animals becomes a general NO NO for the most part ....

Yes, I read what everbody had to say ... I would love to adopt animals, but we live about 2 hours away from any town and plus you have to pay for them! If they're just giving them away ... course I'd get some .... IF I did breed them then I would find homes for them, or most likely keep them all for myself!​

the point we're all trying to make is that there are too many bunnies already and people who get them tend to NOT keep them all that long so the bunny becomes homeless/released into the wild to fend for itself/ dumped at an animal control where they are frequently killed and several other unpleasant endings for them come to mind....

i personally own 2 that were dumped into the woods to take care of themselves.They were babies, covered ( really COVERED) in ticks and sickly. the other bunny i have was rescued from being put into someone's freezer.
I UNDERSTAND what y'all are saying ..

Am I thought I already told you guys that I "Have" had rabbits in the past ... I know how to take care of them! K? I have raised wild rabbits that would have been cat food and then released them etc. I know how people can be quiet cruel to animals etc.

Ehem ... this thread has gotten WAY off hand!
Mons..you can lock this this thread if you get around to it.


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