I'm getting a LaMancha!


12 Years
Dec 18, 2007
Tomorrow we are going to pick up a LaMancha buckling who was born this week. I've bottle fed lambs but never goats so this will be fun.

He's black and white and currently named Jet but I am sure my kids will rename him a "Star Wars" name to go with all the other critters. I have a LaMancha doe so he'll end up being her boyfriend when he grows up.

Will post pics after I get him.
good luck with jedi, that's close to jet
We are presently bottle feeding 4 Nubian bucks. It is actually quite easy for us. We use kid milk replacer and keep an electrolyte solution handy as well as a scour remedy. It is great fun 'cept of course for the clean-up afterwards. They sure can pee a lot!

Have FUN!

I have a LM buckling that is over a mths old and he takes 3 bottles a day and 15 to 20 oz each feeding. I add Baking soda to his bottle , just a pinch. I use goats milk or cows milk with half & half in it. I mix half and half with even amounts of cows milk. I dont use replacer as the cost is more than milk and you get more problems when you use it as that is why they scour as it wont curd in teh tummies and it just goes straight thru. Find out what he is taking and stay with it unless he is on goats milk then you need to switch him to cows milk as its better in the long run and a more healthy big guy.
Thanks for the info. Right now he is on 1/2 goat's milk and 1/2 milk replacer. Unfortunatley my store doesn't have the same brand milk replacer and I don't have access to goat's milk.

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