I'm in desperate need for advice

Little Miss

In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 1, 2012
I went out to my coop today to find an unpleasent surprise. One of my hens has lost her feathers in patches. Her remaining feathers are rough and dishevled. At first, my mind went to bullying from the other birds, especially my moody guinea hens. After further inspection, I'm not so sure. Her, for lack of better words, feather "nubs" are still fully intact and unharmed. I thought if she had been pecked, she would be a bald, bloody mess. Is this pecking, or something else? What can I do to help her until I have a place to isolate her?

Here are some pictures.

How old is this hen? If she is about 18 months it could be a molt. I am sorry I'm not more experienced but looks alot like new feathers coming in. Do you look at her everyday or every once in while. Cause those are shealthed feathers which will unsheath and fluff out soon. In my very not experienced opinion. My girls molted but it was slower than your there. They did look raggety and even sickly for a while but it was the loss of feathers and growth of new.
I wouldn't isolate her, what I can see is normal growth of feathers coming through after the loss of feathers, most likely in this case due to molting, as you have noticed she is looking a little dishevelled, I have a 3 year old hen that was bald on the back of her neck for a while and now has the new growth coming in too, the feather loss happened some time ago only now does the new growth make it look more obvious, don't change a thing and risk upsetting the flock, the feathers will grow back and she will look normal again
She is about 17 months old. Thanks so much for the advice! It's a good thing she's fine because I've got way too many other chicken problems. Thanks again for letting me know it's nothing to worry about!

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