Im New Here


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2015
Hello All,
I've read through these forums for advice over the last year. I am recently coming back to raising poultry after not having had any in years.

I've got 4 pullets at about 14 weeks. (Black Astralorp, Rhode Island Red, Buff Orp., and a Speckled Sussex). I've also recently hatched 4 (jap) quail, two are having some issues, and have driven me to be a member of BYC and not just lurk.

I work and live on computers, and web based software as a service, so it was only a matter of time before google dropped me onto BYC when looking into chickens and quail.

I maintain a few websites for my hobbies gardenisto dot com covers most of them. Especially relevant ones to BYC. My other hobbies include, gardening, mycology, hydroponics, interfacing technology with my plants, wood working, rock climbing, hunting, and cooking.

Thanks to everyone in the community here. I see you guys helping a lot of people out. And its inspiring that BYC isn't just full of trolls.

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