I'm overrun with roosters ... help me!


9 Years
Mar 6, 2015
Batson, Texas
I ordered chicks from a hatchery in January. I was surprised to find 10 more chicks than I'd ordered. Silly me, I thought maybe there were twin hatchings. The invoice stated "males added for warmth" but I really didn't connect the dots until recently when I counted all the roosters. I have 12 hens and 11 roosters. I ordered 16 hens and lost 4. All the roosters survived. I ordered a male Americona and he's the only rooster I want to keep. I've isolated him with the hens in my coop while the other roosters are free range. It's been a nightmare. I want to be rid of the roosters (beautiful Rhode Island Reds) but I do not want to kill them or risk them falling into the hands of gaming people. I would like to find a new home for these gentlemen. Any advise will be greatly appreciated. I have called every petting zoo in my area. I've called the shelters. I've begged friends to add an exotic pet to their family. I am just exhausted from protecting my girls.
The cold hard truth is no one wants your roosters. RIR roosters can be aggressive. They don't make pets. Chickens will do best in a flock so unless you can find someone with 8 or more hens, they shouldn't try to add a rooster. It's far less cruel to process the roosters than to allow nature to take it's course. Put them on CL for $5 and recoup some of the $$ you have put into them.
I have three Rhode Island roosters and they are a pain in the neck sometimes. I'm selling two of them, but if they don't sell, I'll use them to breed mixed breeds of hens or butcher them. You'll want to make a decision fast because they can get mad with each other and then you'll end up gaming them yourself!
Thank you very much. I am trying to avoid the inevitable. I will process my roosters before I allow them to fall into gaming or begin to kill each other off. Ideally, I'd like to find them homes, but I'm fully aware that is probably a pipe dream. For now I have my hens safe from the roosters. I've raised these boys from chicks and trying to give them every chance. I'm giving myself another week before making a decision, hopeful I'll get feedback from my friends and other people I trust. Thanks again.
Thank you for your advise. I'm working hard to find a remedy. I may have to process them. I would much prefer that than having them fall into gaming. So far they are all okay with each other.... I'm giving myself through the holiday to make a decision.

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