I'm really mad!

This just melts my heart.

I put a small, stuffed dog toy in the brooder with my two ducklings, and bought a cheap, bright yellow feather duster for two bantam cochin chicks in another brooder. The ducklings LOVED their "binky" and would fall asleep with their necks over the toy. The chicks snuggled into the feather duster. It was adorable.
thats is so wrong and mean!!
Did you say something to them? Maybe that would help so next easter they would not buy chicks. They need to buy chocalate chicks NOT real ones! That makes me so mad that someone would treat a living being like that! You should go to TSC and buy a couple chicks to keep the little one happy and comfortable. They are pretty cheap I think they are selling chicks up until May 8.
I can't imagine that this dynamic is healthy for those people's kid either, btw. You probably should say something to them, if you find the chance. The whole thing sounds very twisted.
I'd put in a mirror with it for sure in the meantime, while you try to find the peeper a home with other chickens. it will of course be happier if it thinks it's not alone.
Where are you located? Maybe someone local-ish on here. If you were close to me (NWMO) I would take it on.
I have never had that done to me but I would be upset about if they asked me because I couldnt say no.
that is soooo awful!
i hate it when ppl act like aniamals dont have feelings at all! all of my pets have been pets that ppl didnt want anymore...i just cant help it seeing a stray so lonely! but thank you so much for being so kind!

If that were my family, next year I'd buy one cute stuff toy chick for each child, give them them to the parents a couple of weeks before Easter, & figure out some tactful way to tell them that you were worried about the kids missing/having the live toys taken away so you wanted to make sure they had some they could keep!

Since they obviously don't care about the animals, if you phrase it in a way so that it's "for the kids" and find the right button/s to push, this year MIGHT be the last time they pull that.
This just makes me mad, too.
Where in the country are you? Maybe one of us could take it. I know I have 6 14 day old chicks, that sounds about right, no?
That is so irresponsible.. How in the world are the kids supposed to know about the responsibility of taking care of a living thing? I hope those kids learn about responsibility and taking care of a living thing before they have kids because they sure in heck aren't learning it from the parents..

So sad, I worked in the veterinary industry for 11 years.... I could break your heart with the stories. Not so surprising when you see that people can't even be decent to other people, ya know? I grew up raising cattle and hogs, I understand the circle of life for a food animal, and I am no bleeding heart, but no creature deserves to be treated as DISPOSABLE, that is wrong! The best thing to do is try to place it in a home where it will be raised humanely, even if it ends up being eaten, at least it will have a good life first. I feel for you, I have rescued countless creatures, and I think if you really want to know a person, take a look at the way they take care of thier pets and livestock, it can tell you a lot! I have no problem trying to tactfully point out to someone that doesn't take good care of animals the right way to do it, maybe get it back to the offender they need to stop doing this! Educate, don't hate! Best of Luck!

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