I'm sick to my stomach.

I am so sorry for your losses--I too would've been sick.

I will suggest you to fortify your coop so you don't ever have to have this happen again. Well fed chickens are such a tempting meal to so many predators that a secure coop is essential even in the city. I spent a year researching about chickens and their care and when I had my husband build our coop I had him build a coop/run that a predator would need a chainsaw to breach. It was much more expensive and I know that in itself can be cost prohibitive for some but my heart couldn't take the carnage that can happen if it weren't.

I am not one to shoot predators who are just being themselves so I keep our girls well protected so I don't have to make that choice. I am sure though if I saw one red handed I would go ballistic as the "mother protector" mode turns on.
Ugh--hard to imagine how I'd feel being in your shoes at that moment.

I suggest 1/2" hardware cloth (at least 3 feet high--ours is done completely in it) and heavy welded wire above (not chicken wire--that can be ripped apart by raccoons). Also cover the run with wire as well. We even put the hardware cloth 6" under the entire run and added 6" of sand over it but a wire "skirt" bent at the bottom of your run at least 12" would be helpful to keep the critters out. You could try electric wires near bottom and top if you can't reinforce quickly or cover the run.

If you have a photo of your set up perhaps some of us can help you with ideas.

Again my sympathies.
If it is legal in your jurisdiction, you might consider setting a tender trap like they sell at Tractor Supply. Bait it with something, maybe tuna or chicken feed, or whatever the predators like (other than your fowl). When you catch a varmint, you have two choices.

A) Release at least 10 miles away, preferably on other side of a body of water.
B) Put a single pellet through it's head.

Either way, repeat. Repeat. Repeat. There is never just one.

In Texas, you can only hunt raccoons during season, but landowners can eliminate destructive raccoons. Not allowed to skin or otherwise benefit from killing the raccoon in that case.
What a bummer to loose your chickens. :/Funny how valuable they really are to us all. I wholeheartedly recommend that you spend some time and effort to predator proof to the extent you can. Run and Hen House need protecting. Any predator stalking, killing, or scaring your birds deserves whatever lead you send at them. Don't let anyone get you down. Protect the chooks as best as you can.
I would be just heart broken if a coon got my chickens. But I also realize that the ultimate responsibility as the owner lies with me. It is up to me to keep them healthy and safe. The kills you describe were almost certainly coons from the beginning. It's a shame you decided to kill the cat before sorting out all the clues. Did you tell your mother-in-law, the one who was fond of the cat? If your feelings for your chickens matter then don't her feelings for the cat matter?

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I'm so sorry I honestly didn't believe a cat would kill a chicken my cat kills and brings home all sorts, from rabbits to rats to even a hedgehog once but she's never even paid any attention to my hens even the small ones. Strange really because shes a big cat and and is always roaming my land looking for her next victim. I'm so happy i dont have a problem.
I do think you did the right thing tho, i wouldn't do it if i thought the cat was a pet but would definatly not take kindly to any stray helping itself to my chickens same with any other predator.
Good luck with the Coons, i'm so lucky when it comes to predators because i live in the UK i dont have things like Racoons to worry about x
Yes I still stand by my actions. The cat was a stray that my mil feeds. She knows, and she's fine with it. She knows I've worked darn hard over the last 8 months providing a good home, food, water and shelter not to mention love and care for these animals. It's just a shame that my efforts went to waste. One place. One small spot to squeeze in did 3 of my chickens in. Now today I've realized that a silver spangled hamburg Roo is completely missing. Over the last couple of days I've fortified that run in every which way possible. Let's trust in God that it won't happen again. I appreciate all the encouraging words from you all who have been supportive, but for those who haven't been so kind in their words, I just have a few things to say. Yes, there is a statute in LA Law protecting livestock owners who kill domesticated animals if caught in the act of harrasing or killing said livestock. I'm not a horrible person. I set out live-traps and caught 7 ferrel cats just 2 weeks ago and sent them to LSU to get spayed & neutered. I have 5 livetraps set out NOW. I'm not in the business of nor take pleasure in killing animals; far from it. If it was your chickens, if YOU went out and found it, wouldn't you have done the same?
At our old place I used to let our chickens freerange on 4 acres and our neighbor behind us had about 30 cats and I lost LARGE birds to the cats all the time. I know your frustration and trust that you are taking great care of your flock by eliminating the cat I would kill everyone I could catch. Cats breed like rabbits and if not kept in check carry diseases and fleas wich carry disease. You did the right thing! Our German shepherd takes care of stray cats that wander into our place now. I hope you can get the coons too!

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