I'm so focused on ground predator prevention.....


Mar 29, 2021
.....I didn't even think about eagles until just now. :eek:

We have a nesting pair on the other side of the farm, about a mile away. Haven't seen them in a while but today I noticed one standing out in one of our yet to be planted fields. Doesn't happen often but I've seen one perched atop a very large and old oak tree we have in the back yard. Great horned owls are common here as well. They are beautiful birds but they ain't getting my chickens. Definitely going to cover the run we are building!
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:welcome :frow Everything likes chicken. I have had issues with most predators at some time. Lessons learned the hard way. Now I have electric wires around my coops and pens, good heavy duty netting covering my pens and concrete under the gates all due to losses from predators in the past. I don't free range anymore either due to losses. Maybe this site will help you.

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