I'm so sad

Are you sure they are Cornish X? Where did you get them?

If they are, they can survive for longer periods of time (usually about a year) but will need strict feed management. They won't be great layers. They generally come straight run so you probably have some males.
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If they are Cornishx meat birds, they are meant to be in the freezer by about eight weeks of age, and some may die sooner of heart failure, or have major joint problems and be unable to walk. I think they are pathetic, but it's what grocery store chickens are, because they are the most economical birds to raise for meat. It's very difficult to manage them for longer life, and involves restricting food, so they are hungry part of every day, also not so nice, IMO. If your birds are either Cornish or Plymouth Rocks, they are 'normal' type chickens and will do fine. Mary
I'm so sorry. if they are Cornish X it's very heartbreaking and sad because these poor birds are bread to grow very FAST and large and are to be killed and processed by 8 weeks old. people have tried to "save" them and they really cant. There body's will outgrow there legs, they can't support there own weight, they have heart failure, they get organ failure, it's just NOT NICE. Theses birds are strictly MEAT birds and are NOT dual purpose birds. They are genetically made to grow fast and be processed young.I am so very very. sorry. where did you get them? what did they tell you about them.? I sure wish I had better news for you if they were meant for pets. you just can't help these birds. maybe you know someone who can take them off your hands
if you don't wish to process them. if they are pets it's very unfortunate any way around it. again I'm sorry.
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Cornish Cross can live longer than the average 10 weeks or so, but they need a very restricted diet. They very rarely live past a year, even under the best of circumstances. They must be encouraged to move around and forage if you plan on keeping them. Once they are over 4 weeks old, their feed needs to be limited to 3 feedings a day. For each feeding, leave the feed down for about 20 minutes and then remove it. You can sprinkle some feed over the bedding in their brooder to encourage them to seek food out. Then, by 8 weeks, they only need twice daily feedings. This feeding regime needs to be kept up for the rest of their lives. They can not be free fed. And you must give them a lot of stimulation so that they aren't just spending their days sitting around waiting for the feeder to arrive again.
Are you sure they are Cornish X? Where did you get them?

If they are, they can survive for longer periods of time (usually about a year) but will need strict feed management. They won't be great layers. They generally come straight run so you probably have some males.
Are Cornish rocks Cornish x

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