I'm starting to stress!! -update- Sad day, none of them made it.


11 Years
Mar 30, 2008
Springfield, OR
I have duck eggs just about ready to get the humidity bumped up, and the incubator that was supposed to be here Monday still hasn't arrived. The duck eggs (silver appleyard) are in with 26 welsummer, marans and barnevelder on day 7 and 8.

The second bator should show up today,
but I feel so anxious I need to have a plan just in case.

Which is the best plan for survivability for all...

Increase humidity up to hatching levels for ducks; chicks can tolerate it till tomorrow. My genesis will CERTAINLY be here by then. (please o please!)

Increase humidity somewhat (maybe up to 60 or so)

Leave humidity alone unless I get an early pip-- which I don't expect because my temps have been on the low side for the last week. Ranging from 96 to 100 in the WW. My stupid thermostat is just SO touchy that I've hated to adjust it, because I didn't want to cook anyone. I did finally adjust (then readjusted) it yesterday and they've been better... at 98 to 101.

Any ideas? Or other solutions?


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Wildsky, thank you so much for asking. I appreciate that you responded to my post.

I'm on day 29 with no pips. I haven't given up hope though, and feel like a delayed hatch is expected, if any hatch at all.
Did your bator arrive?

I've not hatched Ducks, so I'm kinda clueless..... I hope everything goes ok...

I'm just waiting for my chicks to hatch - under a broody (so much easier than a bator
) only on Day 17 here.....

Good luck - I'll keep my eye open for some good news soon!
It did arrive! The very day I posted, so I was a little premature on the freak-out.

I put the duck eggs in to the genesis, and left the chicks in my homemade 'bator.

It probably would have been more logical to put the chicks in the genesis, since my hatch rate is likely to be higher, and they would benefit from the stability.... but I want these duckling so bad!

Duck eggs take 28 days, and humidity needs to be higher.

What kind of eggs do you have under your broody? You're getting pretty close!
I had 10 eggs under her, but a couple broke and some were clear at around 10 days.... she has a speckled sussex, a Japanese batum, and two OEG bantum eggs - day 18 now, she's still sitting really well - I thought she'd get up and leave! She was sitting a week before I got eggs for her.

I have a genesis - LOVE IT, I hatched out some Arucana and an easter egger in March.
I just hatched 2 appleyards - one hatched on day 26 and one on day 28. I have no clue why one hatched so early. I have another set of eggs going now and in abut 10 days hopefully will have more hatching.

Good luck with yours. Keep us posted and remember duck eggs can go 32 days on a very long hatch. It is hair pulling at times!
Wildsky, I'll be sending good hatching vibes.
Those are all breeds that I know little about (aside from the EE's) but I just looked them up and they're so cool looking!

MissPrissy, I watched your appleyard thread, those babies are adorable! It's encouraging to know that 32 days isn't unheard of. When I candled on day 25 I had five that looked ok, and three of those I actually saw movement. (starting with 21 eggs) It's been a loooong week since then. Maybe tomorrow will be my day.
Thanks for the good thoughts.

Well, today wasn't my day.

I did a quick candle last night and saw absolutely no movement, and no internal pips. I decided to wait until today and pip in to the aircell to see if anyone was alive.

All of the ducklings were dead. I couldn't make myself 'hatch' them all the way out of the shells, but in most of the eggs I could see little faces/bills/markings very clearly through the membranes. One had pipped internally, but it looks like that was days ago.

I am so disappointed. Hubby says that I should try again in the genesis, but at this point I just don't have the heart for it. I think it's getting late in the season for Appleyard eggs anyway.

Not good news, but I just feel so bad, and so guilty! --needed to vent/whine/feel sorry for myself and those poor babies.


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