Immunity question

Baymen Moe

12 Years
Jan 17, 2009
Pembroke, Ma.
I plan on using a fairly deep layer of sand in my chicken run. I know a lot of you use sand as well. My birds will more than likely stay confined to the run.

Will the use of sand over the existing soil compromise the birds ability to build any immunities? (cocci, for example).

I guess I'm wondering if the run can be "To clean" to begin with.

Part of me thinks this is a silly question and part of me thinks it's an intersting one, let's see...Thanks

I wouldn't think that it would affect the immunities. Mine stay in a covered coop that has a sand/red mud floor. And mine are fine. When we build the run this spring. it will have the same floor, except before I turn them loose im there. I will sow grass and lettuce seed in there.

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