Impacted crop


In the Brooder
Sep 23, 2018
Leeds UK

I made a thread the other day about a crop impaction. My pullet became hunched/isolated/hunched, I then isolated her in the house, and only gave water and massaged her crop throughout the day.

This morning, her crop seemed empty, so I have given her some egg. she's eaten half of it.

She seems alert, but she's wobbly.
She also has had diarrhea this morning.

Where do I go from here? Do I keep her in, or let her spend some time with her sisters?

I feel so sorry for her.

Thank you, you awesome people!
Photos? (poop and pullet)

How old is she, I don't see it mentioned in your other thread.

What exactly do you mean hunched? Is she hunched up like she's cold, trying to lay an egg?
What are you feeding her?

If the crop is empty in the mornings, then she has something else going on. Since you've had her for just a short time, you may want to take a stool sample for testing of Coccidiosis.

She is about 22-24 weeks old. I dont know if she has laid any eggs yet, as my pullets have only just begun to lay.

I cannot see any lice or mites.

Her crop would be full in the mornings, other than today after I isolated her and kept her on water only, until today, when she ate half a scrambled egg.



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So the crop has been full every morning, except for today?

The poop is not normal looking to me. If you are unable to get a fecal float, then if she were mine I would treat for Coccidiosis. Since you are in the UK look for Coxoid which is amprolium.

A lot of times crop issues are a symptom of an underlying condition like worms, coccidiosis, infection and reproductive disorders.
Since she is close to/at point of lay, then she may be having trouble with an egg. She's able to poop, so she's not egg bound.

I would only offer her her normal feed as a wet mash and a little egg as a treat. Eliminate anything else and give fresh plain water.
Ok, I'll have a search for it.
I couldn't see any worms, but yes I think I ought to try with a coxoid treatment. Does she still need to be isolated?

Thank you so much!
I only began to feel for the crop in the mornings, after someone just happen to mention it as a general care thing. So, I thought I better do it too! And only then I found some impaction, which I massaged and let her carry on. And then I had made the other thread as I wasn't sure what to do.
Ok, I'll have a search for it.
I couldn't see any worms, but yes I think I ought to try with a coxoid treatment. Does she still need to be isolated?

Thank you so much!
Coccidia are protozoa not worms. Unless you had something like a roundworm infestation, you likely would never see worms in the poop to begin with. Occasionally, you may see tapeworm segments if she had those.

Yes, I would keep her isolated, you want to monitor her eating/drinking, the poop,etc.
She looks unwell.
Ok, I have just had a look at the two places I can pick up supplies, but they don't seem to stock them.

Would she be ok if I bought online, but would take 2-3 days to arrive?

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