Impacted crop


5 Years
Jul 27, 2014
HI my silkie has an impacted crop and it's full of grass. I tried massaging it every day and giving her grit. She no longer will eat or drink unless forced. Is there anything else I can do. If surgery can I do it myself and if so does she need to be sedated? We do not have avian vets near me. Thanks
HI my silkie has an impacted crop and it's full of grass. I tried massaging it every day and giving her grit. She no longer will eat or drink unless forced. Is there anything else I can do. If surgery can I do it myself and if so does she need to be sedated? We do not have avian vets near me. Thanks

I'm sure the experts will be along shortly but in the meantime, take a look through this thread for some help and advice:

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