impacted, sour crop, or something else in my pekin duck?


Mar 1, 2018
was just looking at my female pekin and noticed her crop was much, much larger than usual and was wondering if it is impacted or sour crop? i have yet to give her a pat down on her crop due to wanting peoples options here first.

i just adopted her 2 or so weeks ago from a shelter however this has just come about within the past 24 hours.


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She may have sour, impacted or pendulous crop. Feel her crop early in the morning before she has eaten or drunk anything. It should be mostly empty. Impacted crop feels firm or doughy, while sour crop feels full and puffy like a balloon, and may have a sour or foul odor if you massage the crop. Pendulous crop is seen in birds who overeat and stretch out the crop, where it always looks big. There are some good articles on treatment by TwoCrows, TheChickenChick, and others if you do a Google search or BYC search at the top of this page.

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