In Demand

Ducks and Banny hens

8 Years
Nov 22, 2011
On a little Farm.
So, for everyone who wants to originate a new breed, and have it do well, I'm starting this thread for users to tell about what they'd like to see in a breed. The qualities, the colors, the growth rate, etc.
This is a 'breeding projects' thread, it's a thread for people to state what they want and expect. Breeders can come here to read about such, and breed accordingly, (if they want).

I just noticed, this might be the last thread made before Zero Hour.... ooooohhh....
If I am looking to add a breed, I don't care if it is a very old breed or a new breed. But I want it to excel at whatever it's purpose is. I want good temperament so it is easy to work with. I want it to be healthy. I want it to be very consistent, so that if I hatch a clutch I will get the exact same type of bird.

Regardless of whether or not the bird is supposed to be a meat breed, I was good feed usage. I want as many eggs and as much meat as I can get for each pound of feed that goes into the bird.

Even though I own white birds, I would prefer colored, because I think that the white ones are more prone to being taken by predators. They are visible from a further distance.

I want birds who are home bodies and stay where I want them and don't go out traipsing around the neighborhood, getting lost, stolen, eaten by dogs, and upsetting my neighbors.

Personally, I think that a lot of broodiness is good in my geese, but a liability in anything else. I would rather not have my birds taking a couple of months off several times each year to set and raise offspring.
I'd like a solid little bantam-size breed with a large breast and fast maturity, autosexing, prolific layer of fairly large colored eggs, and non-crowing roosters. :)

I'm also a big fan of "accessories"—crests, boots, beards/muffs, etc. The more the merrier.
I would love to see a birg that is a off-color, maybe like a Lavender, or a Blueish tone to it:) auto sexing would be nice... One that isnt too tall, but wide at breasts:)
Yeah, that would change everything with city-chickens bylaws etc. If roos didn't make any noise, they could be kept like hens, and city-chickeneers would turn into full-cycle farmers. Unfortunately, no one has bred one.
From what I have seen at our local swaps, people want large fowl egg layers that are winter hardy.

They don't care what breed they are, but they tend to purchase breeds that they can recognize, like rhode island reds, barred rocks or wyandotttes.
Yes, most people just want something that will lay lots of eggs and be hardy to whatever the local conditions are. Here, it's heat but few people seem to realize it as a stressor for chickens here. I guess "they're just chickens" or something, I don't know. But color is also a selling point. Right now I have people begging me to let them know when I hatch some more orps that "aren't that same old buff color." Good to know my culls will all have homes!

Anyhow, what I'd like is a big puffy bird with a crest lol. Dual purpose. I couldn't give a care what color the eggs are so long as they're mostly large. And of course they must come in different colors. My favorite right now is blue and splash but I also love just about anything that isn't white. For some reason white chickens are like white flowers to me: Why bother? You want flowers for color, why have flowers with no color? hehe.

Now that I read this back, sounds like I want a crested Orpington. That would be pretty cool I think.
It doesn't matter to me what color the egg is because color doesn't affect the flavor and I am not going to eat the shells or even place the eggs on display.

However, I do notice that buyers seem to be willing to pay a premium price for birds that lay nicely colored eggs. So I suppose if it is an option, a nice unusual egg color would be a plus.
Anyhow, what I'd like is a big puffy bird with a crest lol. Dual purpose. I couldn't give a care what color the eggs are so long as they're mostly large. And of course they must come in different colors. My favorite right now is blue and splash but I also love just about anything that isn't white. For some reason white chickens are like white flowers to me: Why bother? You want flowers for color, why have flowers with no color? hehe.
Now that I read this back, sounds like I want a crested Orpington. That would be pretty cool I think.

Have you considered Houdans? :)

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